
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

SS501 Interview with FANS Magazine

Another nice read and good translation from xiaochu. I'm pretty sure everyone reading translations from the ladies of Quiante501 appreciate all the time and effort that they spend translation, right? I know that doing translation is not easy. Much much thanks again for your hardwork.

If some of you can't go in Quiante you may leave your message of thanks here for xiaochu since I know that she sometimes visit my blog.

When re-posting please make sure that you give full credit to the translator and sources.


07/14 [trans] Taiwan Magazine FANS Interview

Credits: FANS magazine (scans credit on pic itself) + (English translation) xiaochu @


SS501 Loves Fans, HyunJoong Shows Sincerity

SS501 has debut for 4 years and has started to gather much attention in Taiwan this year. In order for the fans here to know them better, SS501 specially came to Taiwan for promotional activities. During the course of interview with our magazine, they displayed their most natural, sincere, easy-going and funny sides of themselves, making me feel greatly about the extraordinary attractiveness of this Korean idol! I will be bringing you the most exciting photos and interview of the fan meeting and commemoration press conference!

Nickname : Cow, Dog
Birthdate : 1986. 06. 06
Blood type : B
Height : 180cm
Weight : 68kg
Hobby : Swimming, Soccer, Gym workout, Basketball
Specialty : Piano, Dance, Guitar
Things that he hates : Insects, Birds
Motto : You only live once
Animal that you describe yourself as : Lion
Family members : Grandmother, Father, Mother, Elder Brother, Myself
Idol : Seo Tai Ji (Legendary Rock Singer in Korea)
Part which you are most satisfied of : Eyes
Something that you must do before sleeping : Bathing
Method for relieving stress : Traveling
Things that you bring in your bag : iPod, Contact Lenses, Wallet, Mobile Phone
Thing that you do most seriously : Work
Favorite color : Black
3 wishes :
1. Become a world-class, universal star
2. Gathering fans from all over the world and hold a free concert for them
3. After which, to live a peaceful and happy life

? Are there any similarities between yourself and Yoon JiHoo in ‘Boys Over Flower’?
HyunJoong: Kim HyunJoong and Yoon JiHoo are totally different. The role in the drama is an ideal prince! (The other members shouted : HyunJoong is a 4th-dimensional person.)

New record for most number of activities

On 27-June, SS501 started their busy schedules in Taiwan not long after they got off the plane. This is also the first time in history for a Korean artiste coming to Taiwan with so many activities to attend to, which we can see how sincere and how much they value their fans in Taiwan. Not only are the Taiwan fans touched by this but I am also being touched a little. The media took turns to interview them in a conference room at Warner Music. FANS magazine was originally scheduled to interview at 4.30pm but it was delayed a little as the boys were extremely friendly towards Taiwan media and answering to all questions given to them. Our magazine interview started only at 5.30pm, but the wait was worthwhile, why? Hehe! Read on and you’ll find out!
First Impression is Friendly & Courteous

I was wearing a yellow long-top on that day. The moment when I stepped into the conference room, I saw 5 big boys politely saying “Welcome” in Chinese and applauded (I’d give an additional 5 marks to them for this. Friendliness is 100%)! In order to help the readers of FANS magazine to win over the hearts of SS501, I immediately praised them that they’re very handsome in person. I also introduced myself as “Miss Banana”. Maybe I was seen being too hyper from the beginning, and it triggered off the ‘deviated and funny’ 30-minute interview!

Wants to Marry a Taiwanese Wife

Firstly, the first question that I asked was “Which type of girl does SS501 think is the most suitable to be marry?” HyungJoon answered first “Taiwanese girls!” JungMin teased him and said “That’s a lie!” HyunJoong, KyuJong and YoungSaeng agreed with HyungJoon saying “Yes, Taiwanese girls are very enthusiastic which we’ve experience it immediately after landing here!” And JungMin refusing the admit defeat said “I am the one who love Taiwanese girls the most!” And even used perfect English to say “I love Taiwan!”

? The most memorable, most unforgettable thing since debut?

HyunJoong: When we won the best newcomer award in Korea a few years ago, I was very happy as I felt that we received the recognition from everyone. I hope that we can share our joy with Taiwan fans promptly whenever we win an award in the future.

KyuJong: During SS501’s debut stage, and the first time when I see our group name appearing everywhere. These are memorable to me. And my nervousness for this first visit to Taiwan will also be unforgettable for life to me.

HyungJoon: Our 100 days of debut is memorable to me.

Nickname : Otter
Birthdate : 1986. 11. 03
Blood type : O
Height : 178cm
Weight : 63kg
Hobby : Online gaming, Basketball, Listening to music
Specialty : Piano
Animal that you describe yourself as : Bear
Motto : Always smile to live your life
Family members : Father, Mother, Myself
Idol : Seo Tai Ji
Part which you are most satisfied of : Shoulders
Habit that you would like to change : Not able to speak well
Things that you bring in your bag : Waller, iPod
Thing that you do most seriously : Singing
3 wishes :
1. Hope to earn lots of money
2. SS501 and my name to be known all over the world
3. Be able to think more carefully

YoungSaeng, KyuJong Likes Girls who are Virtuous

After some bickering among the members, rational leader HyunJoong saved me (I’m really so thankful) and quickly brought them back on topic. They answered seriously “I like girls who are like friends to me.” YoungSaeng continued “The girl I like must definitely be good at cooking and knows how to clean up, tidying up the place.” KyuJong said “I like girls who can cook! And I hope my future wife will be good to me as well as to my family.”

Cheeky JungMin Teasing Reporter

I thought I was going to go on to the next question, but JungMin started to continue talking about his criteria of choosing his wife in a “serious” manner. I never expected this as the beginning of being teased by him! JungMin intentionally spoke in a serious manner “I like girls who are dark-skinned, very confident and her hair tied up. Gold is a rather out-dated color in Korea, so if a girl chooses to use this color, that means that she is very brave. I admire girls who are brave. In addition, girls who wear jean, it shows their figure the best! The last criteria is that I like girls who can show her charm by wearing a yellow clothing, haha.”

Humorous and Funny, Everyone Laughs Out

After JungMin finished his speech on ‘Choosing a wife’, SS501 members and the staff were almost rolling around in laughter. The sound volume is almost blowing off the conference room. And at that moment, all the people’s eyes were on me, so embarrassing! Let me admit to all of you who were not here~ What JungMin had listed was exactly what I’ve worn that day and my natural skin tone. He is really cheeky to be teasing me like that! Anyway this incident made us discover SS501’s humor unexpectedly, and their initiative to integrate with others.

Topic on Love Confession Continues On

Keeping the motto of FAN magazine ‘Helping fans interact with idols’ in mind, I will be tossing aside ‘reporter’s baggage’ temporarily in the upcoming interview time, and continue to be a ‘comedian’ with JungMin to continue on with the topic! I said to JungMin intentionally “Since you have confessed to me, then come home with me tonight!” A roar of laughter came when SS501 heard this. I continued to ask JungMin “How is it? Are you having cold feet?” JungMin said “The progression is too fast! Will you marry me?”
? Exposing of Secrets of Other Members?

HyunJoong: I think YoungSaeng is more of a 4th-dimensional person among us. Once I was at his house and when we started talking about more emotional stuffs, he suddenly ran into the room and lit some candles. He even forgot that he lighted the candles and almost burned the house. Haha.

YoungSaeng: Every time we rode on our company car, JungMin likes to sit in the front passenger seat. There was once he saw our company car in front and raced towards it, I don’t know what he is trying to do~ (JungMin explained: I raced towards it because I felt that I can run as fast as a car!)

JungMin: HyungJoon always wear his underwear in a bath, I don’t know what’s so mysterious about it. KyuJong’s chest line along the collar bone is very deep because he exercises frequently. (Thus KyuJong began to demonstrate the exercise that enhances the chest line~)

HyungJoon: There was once when I wanted to wake JungMin up, but realized that he had disappeared. He is actually hiding under the blanket eating! (JungMin explained: It feels very cozy to eat under the blanket. He even promise with everyone to try eating like this.)

Nickname : Praying mantis, Gorilla, Prince
Birthdate : 1987. 02. 24
Blood type : A
Height : 181cm
Weight : 65kg
Hobby : Listening to music, Reading, Basketball
Specialty : Magic
Something you fear most : Fear of heights, fear of taking plane
Motto : Challenge with no regrets!
Family members : Father, Mother, Younger sister, Myself
Idol : Rain
Part which you are most satisfied of : Left hand
Something that you must do before sleeping : Brush teeth
Method for relieving stress : Traveling alone
Things that you bring in your bag : Disposable contact lenses
Thing that you do most seriously : Recording, Learning dance
Favorite color : Used to be yellow, like blue these days
3 wishes :
1. Hope that SS501 can expand to all of Asia
2. Music industry in Korea to restore to its good old times
3. Making a movie

HyunJoong Sighs There Is No Day Off For Leader

My second interview question is: “What does SS501 want to do during your day off?” Leader HyunJoong said solemnly “Day off…eh…there is no day off for leader.” Cheeky JungMin replied “Go get married when there is a day off!” Ahh~ Why does the old topic comes up again? I, who is determined to be a comedian for this interview, cannot lose to JungMin. So I asked the other members if they wanted to attend to JungMin’s wedding during their day off. SS501 broke into laughter and agreed in unison that they would most definitely attend to JungMin’s wedding together during their day off.

Hope to be Overseas Volunteers Together

When our topic was deviated previously, it was SS501’s leader who stepped in to save it. This time, it was KyuJong who brought the topic back on track, he said “If we have a chance to go on leave, we would like to go travelling with 5 of us together.” HyungJoon said “I would like to go to Iraq, to do volunteer work there with our members, helping the people in need. Because SS501 has received a lot of love so we would like to return our favors to the society.” YoungSaeng on the contrary, likes Taiwan very much and would like to return here for a holiday.

5 of Them Sees Each Other Almost Everyday

I am a little taken aback that SS501 members want to be together even in their day offs though they have been already seeing each other so frequently at work! Won’t they feel sick of each other when they see each other so frequently? Or that a holiday wouldn’t feel like a holiday at all when all members attended? Leader HyunJoong said “Frankly speaking, we are really seeing each other almost everyday. About 360 days out of the 365 days in a year. Rather than saying ‘feeling sick of’, if we don’t see each other, we would feel weird or not used to it, that is because 5 of us are one.”
HyungJoon Worked Part-Time at Steak House

During their promotional activity in Taiwan, it is the summer holiday here, so is it usual for Korean students to work part time during their holidays? What are the working experiences that SS501 has prior to debut? Leader HyunJoong said “It is normal for Korean students to work part-time too. They would deliver newspapers or be a waiter in restaurants just like Taiwan students.” HyungJoon worked at a steak house before, and JungMin softly exposed “He was fired because he skipped work!” So HyungJoon turned to him and stared at JungMin who spouted the nonsense, giving him a warning with his stares, while JungMin pinched HyungJoon on his back.

? What does a girl does to be able to attract you?

KyuJong: I am afraid of dogs, so any girl who doesn’t bring a dog out would attract me. Keke.

HyunJoong: A girl wearing a hat sitting on a mat under a banyan tree during summer, early autumn would attract me.

YoungSaeng: A girl who is biting on an elastic band about to tie her hair, would attract my attention the most. (YoungSaeng demonstrated this action on the spot.)

JungMin: A girl who is enthusiastic like me, able to sway along with the music.

HyungJoon: A girl who cooks and feeds me.

Nickname : Turtle
Birthdate : 1987. 08. 03
Blood type : O
Height : 181cm
Weight : 66kg
Hobby : Listening to music, Online gaming, Working out
Specialty : Writing lyrics, composing, singing, dancing, swimming, golf, horse-riding
Favorite animal : Rabbit, Puppy
Motto : Don’t be comfortable with current, work hard to advance further!
Family members : Father, Mother, Younger brother, Myself
Idol : Justin Timberlake
Part which you are most satisfied of : Waist, Lips
Method for relieving stress : Sing to heart’s content, Going to beach, Going for a drive
Things that you bring in your bag : iPod, Album, Training outfit
Thing that you do most seriously : Taking care of family members, singing, dancing
3 wishes :
1. Hope that SS501 can have successful activities in Taiwan and all of Asia in 2009.
2. New album be well-liked by everyone.
3. Everyone be healthy.

Truth Ranking

1. Ranking of members who loves looking into the mirror?
YoungSaeng : HyungJoon, JungMin, me, HyunJoong, KyuJong

2. Who is the most different on and off screen?
JungMin : HyungJoon, YoungSaeng, KyuJong, HyunJoong, me

3. Who is most petty?
HyungJoon : Me, JungMin, YoungSaeng, KyuJong, HyunJoong. (HyunJoong being the last in petty ranking, he must be the most generous one, he said “As long as someone instigate me to buy (dinner), I would pay for it.”)

4. If Kim HyunJoong is a female, the ranking of the members that you would like to date?
HyunJoong : YoungSaeng, KyuJong, me, JungMin, HyungJoon. (Hah~ this ranking seems to be directed to HyungJoon!)



  1. thanks xiaozhu, and liezle!

    it's really great to be constantly updated with SS501 news and stuff! i really appreciate you guys' effort! :D


  2. mel_122311:35 PM

    Thanks so much for the translations! we get to know abit more information than what has already been previously said by the boys for so long! ah... cant wait for the continuation ^^

    Love this, cos I do not read chinese, so am soo grateful for this!

  3. Liezle,

    Thanks so much.. this is funny..heheeheh. I think after girls have read this..they will start to act what they like..ahhahahah


  4. mel_122311:38 PM

    What does a girl does to be able to attract you?

    HyunJoong: A girl wearing a hat sitting on a mat under a banyan tree during summer, early autumn would attract me.

    OMG, this sounded so much like a scene with HB in WGM doesnt it, doesnt it?!

  5. quizzy11:54 PM

    hah! so sweet and funny!!!
    thanks liezle for posting this..:)
    i hope soon the will have english songs as well! so as not to read eng subs always!! haha..

  6. Leader Hyun Joong is always consistent with his answer about a girl that would attract him LOL ..Thanks for the update Liezle.

    xiaochu: Many thanks for the hard work and effort in translating. You made lots of non-Korean fans happy ^_^

    xiaochu/Liezle: Hope it is okay if I am re-posting your articles in our local forum in Philippines with proper credits of course. The Tagalog version of BOF is currently shown there and KHJ is starting to get popular as Yoon Ji hoo. Even the fan list is called Jihoonians ^_^

  7. farzaneh4:41 AM

    that was wonderful ....thanks liezle .....

    i heard that jungmin and ko ah-ra are boyfriend and girlfriend ?????? is it true ????
