
Thursday, July 09, 2009

SS501 Photos in the US & Drama MV vid link!

First, before you drool on the following photos you might want to check first SS501 in the 2nd episode of their drama MV. It's out already. Click HERE to watch!

Aahh, been waiting for the 2nd episode of the drama MV but can't watch it until i get home....darn! Is it good? Do they look hot? Argh!!!!

Okay for the meantime while agonizing, let me re-post here this set of photos the I lifted frrom the khj0606. Much much thanks!


  1. the link cldnt be watch and i dun understand the korean words. hah! it wld be appreciate deeply if there's anyone who cn upload it up to youtube soon. :) cheeers!

  2. quizzy7:00 PM

    hi liezle,

    haha.. yeah jo's right.. its in korean..!

    lolz, hope someboy would help us what to do! or better yet, youtube..:)

    you very sweet liezle, you have a job yet you never fail to give us updates!

  3. hey quizzy! ha, i tot u understand korean if nt i wld ask u for help with tht website.. :)

    much thnks to liezle for the infor, clips and piccas everytime! :)


  4. quizzy7:21 PM

    haha.. i wished jo! i wish!
    i tried years ago, i started studying japanese but i was so bad on it!!lolz..
    its so hard coz its in characters!so im assuming it will be so hard to in korean! hehe

    hey liezle, updte us the minute you find it!! lolz!!

    tke care

  5. haha im bad with it seriously thoug i'd korean blood bt i cld understand nuts of it.

    nice knwin u thru liezle blog too haha! it been great knwin there's pple likin SS501 lik i do. :)

  6. hello quizzy and jo. ^^

    i think to view again the mv we need to have an account with gom. =( just like last time. sorry about that. anyway, i hope you guys have seen my new post. it's portion of the drama mv, jung min portion. check it out first while we are waiting for the full drama mv video.

