
Sunday, July 05, 2009

Video of the Taiwan Presscon

I'm pretty sure you've seen the photos I posted HERE earlier.

Now comes the video. Much thanks to korean_aein for posting the videos on her YT channel.

The presscon was held on the last day of SS501 stay in Taiwan. I haven't seen any transcript of the presscon but I'm sure more or less you guys already know what were asked since there are few news articles about it.

I'm sure too that you've seen THIS video of Jung Min downing that glass of beer.

Anyway, more about the presscon. I'm sure you've heard and seen also how Hyun Joong got curious of the microphone. He's 4Dness strikes again. ^^ He's so cute. Apparently, Leader just started opening the microphones bottom when Kyu Joong was answering question from the press probably out of curiousity. Then when asked later why he did it, he said that he's curious whether there's a difference between the microphones in taiwan and korea. ^__^ geez, really really so cute. only hyun joong can pull that one. aahhh, love him!

as for the rest of the boys, they were asked how they changed since becoming member of SS501. According to Kyu Jong he has become more talkative. While Young Saeng's answer is the opposite of Kyu Jong. He said that he has become more shy.

anyway, you can see him playing with the microphone in this clip in which the boys were asked what changes they'd seen in themselves in these four years since their debut. it's kindda cute that kyu jong said being around chatty people (like jung min... LOL) has made him open up and talk more. as for young saeng, the reverse is true. he finds that he's become even more shy and reticent...

p.s. out HK photo with the boys are ready for d/l and i've d/led mine. I'm thinking whether to post or not since I'm not sure whether the others with us would like their face posted on the net since most of those with us are Japanese. I'll do some photoshop first before I post our photo, k? ^^


  1. wen06078:34 PM

    Dear liezle

    I have found this photo from ss601.
    I saw YS holding a flag, is that belongs to yours?
    And the one who stood behind him is it you? ^^
    Just guessing~ :P

  2. wen, oh yeah that's me. *blushing*

    now i'm sure you've seen the photo that I just posted.


  3. wen060710:13 PM

    Liezle, hehe^^

    So close! ^^
    Envy you so much!
    Did you see our singapore tripleS fans?

    I really hope SS501 can come to singapore soon....... sigh!

    Miss them >.<
