
Saturday, July 11, 2009

your fave member's scenes only ^^

Now the that full SS501 Drama MV is out and only portions of our fave member's song is included, fans see to it that they make their own version of the Drama MV using the scenes of their favorite SS501 member only and his full song. ^^

Just like these two fan made videos. I'll call the first one Hyun Joong Drama MV and the second one Kyu Jong Drama MV instead of the title of their song. ^_^

Here are the two videos.

Hyun Joong Drama MV ~ BGM 'Please Be Good To Me'
From khj0606
Made by Cite@CS from cite on Vimeo.

Kim Kyu Jong Drama MV ~ BGM
'Wuss Up'
From hoonfami
Lyrics translation by Genesis@soompi/bww2/ect


  1. wen060711:48 PM

    Wow...thanks liezle for the MV^^
    I love it so much~ >.<
    Hope you dun mind I posted on my blog and credit to you and khj0606^^

  2. no problem wen go ahead. you know what to do when giving crediting. ^^


  3. Anonymous7:30 PM

    hello do you have any idea how many eps does M!pick has is A varitey show that features ss501(:

  4. hello Anonymous. I've no idea but they were featured several times.there's 2005.03.07 Mnet m!pick series, tyfwu, tyfrm, 2006.01.19 Mnet SS501’s Stalker series, 2007.07.16 Mnet Japan SS501 The Mission and more.

    You can all check this in YT especially the channels of Quiante501 and SuperStarSubbing.

