
Sunday, August 30, 2009

8.29 beijing fan meeting videos

I'm shoving these videos taken by fans during last night's fanmeeting at Beijing. Some are short, few are over a minute but the one from shirbogurl21 which was shared by SuperClub is the best so far that I've seen.

[Fancam] SS501 "A Song Calling for you" at Beijing Fanmeeting
Video courtesy of Super Club

This is the encore song of SS501

More videos below, just click on the title and you'll be directed to the channel. Thanks to all uploaders.

FanCam - Beijing FanMeeting

FanCam- Beijing FM 'A Song Calling for You'

FanCam - Beijing FM 'Fighter'

FanCam - Beijing FM 'Deja Vu'

FanCam-Beijing FM 'Again'

FanCam - Beijing FM

Here are few more photos that i lifted from Baidu. Is it me who's only noticing that Young Saeng seems to be smiling more than the HK fan meeting?


  1. oh my gosh, liezle..
    who is that guy?
    is it the latest young saeng?
    waaa.. i'm a little bit disappointed. he looks different.
    i prefer his old appearence..
    but it's okay, he's still cute..


  2. Anonymous1:17 PM

    yep noticed that one too..maybe saeng feels more or liberated coz hes no longer pressured to show a perfect and good boy image due to the HK thing with leader...

  3. J_Girl1:41 PM

    Yea I agree he definitely seems a lot more livelier compared to the other fan meet or any other event for that matter..based on the pics it looks like he's even more expressive and not holding's good to see him like this!

  4. young saeng looks great as usual =) love all 5 of them!

  5. Anonymous8:28 PM

    hi!! its me anonymous again..about wat i said earlier, i didnt mean it in a negative way, i actually like this saeng a lot better and i hope he becomes more open and and expressive!! its really good to see him smiling and interacting a lot..SS501 fighting!!!
