
Monday, August 31, 2009

8.29.09 Park Jung Min Airport Photos

I cannot help myself not posting these photos posted by Julia on I just love the effects that 北北 did on the photos by Alisa on No.43 Park¤ .

I really love black and white photos with red highlight. It's classic and dramatic. The effect of using these tones make the simplest object outstanding.

Click the image to enlarge. Btw, this was taken at the airport in Beijing.


Okay, let me just add these photos of Maknae so that I won't be making a new page for these two photos. This was also taken on8.29 but in Incheon.

Thanks to StayHJ for posting on

p.s. forget about last batch... i take it back ^_^


  1. mel_12231:27 AM

    Wow, love the effect of the pic colouring!

    Thanks ^^

  2. Brenda Panda1:43 AM

    gosh.. didn't realized that I've been missing so much of the boys..

    Well, I've found one very nice video of the boys and thought of sharing with everyone. It's named "Legend of SS501". (Maybe some of you have seen it) So here's the link.

    It's in chinese subtitle, maybe when I'm not that busy with work(dealing with patients and my fellow doctors really give me headaches), I will give a translation.

    PS: Liezle, thanks so much for the update.. I've tones of readings from your webby to be done.. LOL

  3. veith6:51 AM

    looks like Maknae is really losing some weight :(

  4. Anonymous10:27 AM

    wow really nice pictures of min, nice effect
