
Sunday, August 30, 2009

few more photos from beijing fan meet

Last batch of photos I'm posting before I hit the bed. Lifted from posted by yyy148. Photos were originally taken from Baidu.

I love Hyun Joong's look here.

I really love Jung Min's long legs. ^^

What could HJL doing here?

Waiting for his cue?

JM getting agitated again in his seat.

When sitting down, Jung Min is always agitated.
And he keeps doing things with his legs which
I like very much because I like looking at his
long legs. Hee, and mind you he doesn't have
skinny pair of legs for his height. They're
actually sexy.

See Jung Min is doing it again. ^^

SS501 look more casual than their previous fm.


  1. J_Girl1:39 AM

    Waaahhh so many pics!! Thanks for sharing!! LOL @ the "BOBO Ssangchu" board hahaha..can't wait to see the fancams!

  2. mel_122310:31 AM

    Hehe, JM just cant seems to be able to sit still for a min ^^

    You are right Liezle, his long legs are really soo sexy :)
