
Sunday, August 30, 2009

'I'm just a legend'

I've already read this portion of the interview of the fan meeting and it's only now that I'm posting this.

It's so classic and it's so Hyun Joong. I love it! I wish to see the video of this portion of the interview. For the translation below thanks to daizukun for posting on khj thread @ soompi.

Host: Do you know what is the current trend in China?
Hyun Joong (in chinese) : (the phrase) Don't be obsessed with me, I'm just a legend.

Click the image to enlarge. Save... save... save... ^^

Above photos were lifted from Originally came from youarehero

p.s. forgot to post this earlier. thanks to

Check out his necklace it spells...NAUGHTY.


  1. spring5:54 PM

    hahhaa.. i like his answer...
    totally our HJ...
    he is saying dont be obessed with him..hee.. but i think i am already obessed with him.. always full of him in my mind...hee.. i think he knows this.. that's why remind us don't be... thanks HJ.. i will try don't be obessed so is hard though.. now more and more only..haha... he is more than legend...his power is really amazing...wanna see more real HJ again..:)
    thanks liezle for this post... like it...hee..:P

  2. veith7:36 PM

    i like his answer...but its too late hyun joong...I AM ALREADY OBSESSED :)

    Thanks for the updates liezle, your blog realy makes my day :)

  3. Anonymous8:04 PM

    He said those in MANDARIN, "Don't be obsessed with me, I'm just a legend".not korean. I think that's not the host's question.

  4. mel_12238:41 PM

    Ah HJ, how can we all not be obsessed with you and all the other members? This year is really theirs to conquer, looking forward to all other fan meetings and concerts coming on the way ^^

  5. mel_12238:44 PM

    Btw, thanks Liezle for working so hard throughout each of their events too, you always makes me look forward to come to ur page n keep refreshing, cos chances are, there will be new updates each time.

    Luv ya!

  6. Anonymous11:12 AM

    the answer did not match the question. i find it confusing!

  7. Anonymous9:07 PM

    There's a fancam on Youtube ... he says it at 1:34
