
Monday, August 17, 2009

Let's focus on their solo perf ^^

Geez, it's a tiring day. I know that what we have today won't be settled overnight but I'm certain that there'll be an end to this soon. Not sure what kind of damage control DSP will do but surely they will come up with something.

Just what I said let's not focus anymore on the news, there are more things to do, videos to watch news to read. There's sitll the voting. ^_^

I'm taking this lightly because there's really nothing we can do, right?

As for the boys, I'm sure they have been punished, reprimanded and scolded by DSP and probably even their parents. Also, i think that they're remorseful now and thinking that they should have been more careful of their actions. This incident have taught them a lot.

But come to think of it, the boys didn't disguised themselves nor run away, so I don't think that there is any malice on their actions.


Here are three videos that I lifted from shirbogurl21. Heck don't care whether they're not supposed to be in YT or nor for now let's have fun watching them. ^^

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