
Thursday, August 20, 2009

one more jjiitjoong ^_^

Here's a new clip of Leader's solo performance in Persona in Japan. This version is different from all the other that were posted earlier. This 6-minute video was taken from the front. ^^ Check it out before it might be taken down. The video easily uploads.

here's YT vid from shirbogurl21

p.s. you might want to check this VIDEO that Hurmutube created on YT to encourage more fans to vote for Leader on SDA.


  1. shirbo2:54 AM

    i almost uploaded onto youtube then I saw your comment!! I didn't even see it since Yes is usually ok with re-posts!! good thing i checked your blog right before i upload it.

  2. liliya4:07 AM

    HI Liezle,

    This is by far the best video.

    Thank you for sharing it.
