
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Persona in Japan : Kyu Jong pix spazzzzz #2

There are 30 photos of Kyu Jong in this post which weren't posted yet from my last pix spazzzz of cute Kyu HERE. Hee, no wonder I feltl that the last pix spazzz of him seemed very few. Anyway, many many thanks to shirbogurl21 for checking over the last pix spazzzzz for Kyu Jong and sharing with me these wonderful photos from Persona in Japan which was taken from HeStory [].

Since there are 30 photos of Kyu Jong here, I'm posting most of the photos in thumbnails. Just click on each photo to enlarge. Each photo is clear and worth saving. So!

No more baby fats.

He's biting his lower lip!


  1. Anonymous4:11 AM

    OH MY GOD,omg, omg.. OH MY GOD!!!! Liezle and shirbogurl21- THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH!!!!!

    I think am going to faint.... love each and every single part of Kyu Jong (ok, also Young Saeng..hehe) will treasure ALL pictures.... once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart! (A)

  2. wah....
    a lot of kyu pics..
    thanx for sharing them

    may i ask you?
    where do you get the photo??
    are you member of kyustory??
