
Thursday, August 27, 2009

The postman came by and…

A very very nice cyber friend sent me these gifts...

the 2009 August ASTA TV magazine,
DK drink that Leader is endorsing
and a light stick from the Persona concert
that Jung Min designed which I’m anticipating
in using in any of the Persona Concert
that will be held in Asia.

Thank youthank you so much for your thoughtfulness. I was really surprised receiving these presents. I love everything you’ve sent. That was really so sweet of you. ^^

Now that I have the light stick, I’ll scratch that out from my wish list of Persona items that I’m planning to have.

Hee, since I’ve mentioned wish list, this post gives me the opportunity to post the wish list that I have made and just waiting in my draft list to be posted. Here it goes. ^^

1. Persona tees [Seoul, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, HK, Thailand, Malaysia (basing on various articles read)]. Yeah I want to have all tees if possible though I’m not attending all concerts. It’s just a wish though, if II’m able to fulfill #1, I’ll be one of the happiest. ^^ Hee, though I’ve heard that the quality of the tee is not that good. Nevertheless, would love to sleep wearing one of it.

2. The souvenir book/magazine/pamphlet or whatever it’s called . I really really want to have one this since the photos inside the it were the ones taken in the US when the boys went there. I hope that the organizers will sell them in other Asia countries that the boys will be having their concert.

3. SS501 2nd Korean album. I’m already assuming that when I finally decide which country to watch, the album is already out.

4. Persona light stick designed by Jung Min [DONE! Given by a very nice cyber friend]

That’s it! One down many more to go. ^_^

Btw, I was browsing ASTA magazine, I found this photo of Jung Min inside which I think has not been posted yet since this is the first time I’m seeing it. Here, let me share the photo which I scanned.

I’ll take this chance as well to say thank you one more time to another very very nice cyber friend. She sent me several months ago a copy of HighCut magazine where Leader is the cover.

Got this several months ago together with some other goodies [love love them all, thank you!] but never really gotten to post since I can’t find the right opportunity. But the right opportunity came today. You know who you are... thanks too!


  1. wen06076:46 PM

    Wow.... what a nice cyber friend you have~
    You are so lucky ^^

  2. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Hi Liezle!

    Cool gifts!!! I want the glow stick and esp the pamphlet since it is taken in the USA :) Hope to get one somewhere...know where???

    shrimpy :]

  3. hello wendy. you're right. ^^

    any you're a pretty nice cyber friend as well. i'm lucky to have you as a cyber friend too.


  4. hey there nacy! haven't seen you in a while even at soompi. i think the persona stuff can only be bought at the concert. so you better be present in one. ^^ or maybe ask someone who's going to watch to buy one for you.

    hope everything is great.

    thanks for dropping by.

