
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Saturday, 22nd of August

Remember the date above?

It's the date that SS501 will be performing at the Incheon Hallyu Festival together with Rain [really?! didn't read his name on the list before] , Super Junior, 2PM, M, JunJin, SNSD, FT Island, Lee JungHyun, ChaeYeon, Baek JiYoung, Son DamBi, MC Mong and Kara.

And as I was browsing for updates I learned from Quiante501 that the MCs for this show will be SS501 Kim HyunJoong [oppsie sorry about my earlier post... i read Maknae's name instead of Leader. It's Leader who is going to host...YAHOO!] , SNSD Tiffany and Yuri.

Likewise, on top of performing on August 22, SS501 will be holding a fanmeeting in September-October [date, time and venue to be announced] as part of the the festivities.

So there, we'll be seeing all five again this weekend. I'm excited! Aren't you?

P.s. Hee, need to correct my earlier post, we'll be in SK on the 15th of October until the 25th. Hopefully there'll be a fan meeting on those dates will be there that we can attend to.


  1. wen06075:50 PM

    Wow.....Hyun Joong be the host?
    Sound great! ^0^
    Wonder is there any link I can watch on LIVE?

  2. wen06076:02 PM

    Quoting this: [But I read that the festival will only be until Oct 25, 2009... that's the date of our arrival in Incheon...darn!]

    Oh Liezle, are you going to Korea? @.@

  3. Hello wen! MBC is the host but not sure if it's going to be live. I doubt.

    Yeah I'm going Busan and Seoul with friends. And i've to correct the date, 25th is our flight back we're going to be in SK on the 15th. I hope during our stay there'll be a fan meeting that I can attend to. ^^

  4. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Omo yea HJL is gonna host!!!! :) will this be broadcasted??

  5. wen06076:46 PM

    Oh! liezle, so envy you now~~ >.<
    So you will be in Korea from 15th to 25th Oct~ That's long holidays for you gals~ *^^*

    Hope you have chance to see them! ^^

  6. spring9:49 PM

    wooww... liezle... great!! enjoy yr holiday there...
    hope we can able to see back this event in TV.. want to see leader hosting it... very exciting now...hee...

  7. Anonymous9:32 AM

    hi liezle, I'm planning for Busan/Seoul trip during 15th-24th oct period too. :)

    In case you are not aware, Busan having some market festival from 21st Oct. Will be quite interesting i guess.

  8. Shannon3:44 PM

    Where will I be able to watch the show? :)
