
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

SDA, how fierce is the comptetion?

Before you read the translation by xioachu on the news about Seoul Drama Awards leading status, just would like you to know that one Anonymous visitor commented in the comment box that she's already able to vote in the overseas site. I haven't checked yet though.

Also, I wonder how the SDA officials were able to say about the fierce competition between KHJ and LJK when there's a bug/glitch on their overseas site. Were they able to recapture the lost votes of Leader and address the bloating votes of Lee Jun Ki? Makes me wonder too how reliable the poll is. Anyone here knows what other criteria they the judges are basing the awards aside from the poll?

Anyway, here's the articles translated and shared by xiaochu on Quiante501. Much much thanks again xioachu! You know that our numerous thank you is not enough for your tireless effort.


08/19 [news] Seoul Drama Awards, male popularity award ‘Lee Junki- Kim HyunJoong fierce competition

Credits : + + (English Translation) xiaochu @


In to its 4th year, Seoul Drama Awards 2009 (below indicated as SDA) will be held on 11-Sep at Olympic Park’s Olympic Hall, Bangee-dong, Seoul.

The organizing committee for SDA held a press conference at Press Center on 19-Aug at 11am. They revealed “The leading popularity awards for male and female category for this year’s SDA are Lee JunKi and Moon GeunYoung respectively. Popular production seems to be SBS ‘IlJiMae’. Especially in male popularity awards, there is a fierce competition between ‘Iijimae’ Lee JunKi and ‘Boys Over Flowers’ Kim HyunJoong.”

The voting for popularity is held through website yahoo Korea from 13-Jul to 30-Aug, and at the current status on 19-Aug, netizens from 50 countries worldwide participated casting more than 1.5million votes in a day, confirming SDA’s status worldwide.

In addition, Kim MyungMin (mini series), Park YongHa (feature film), Antony Starr from New Zealand, Akira Kume from Japan were nominated for male actor award. Moon GeunYoung (mini series) and a diverse nationality of female actresses were nominated for the female actress award.

There will be fanmeeting, drama premieres, congratulary events, etc, held from 4~ 13-Sep, a total of 10 days, at KwangHwaMoon plaza for the citizens.


08/19 [news] Lee JunKi or Kim HyunJoong to be crowned?

Credits : mydaily + + (English Translation) xiaochu @


Lee JunKi’s SBS ‘Iijimae’ released last year is currently on the first place for the male actor popularity award for Seoul Drama Awards, making it very likely that he will be crowned for the 2nd consecutive time. However, KBS 2TV ‘Boys Over Flowers’ Kim HyunJoong is following close behind on the 2nd place.

SDA organizing committee with Yahoo Korea is currently holding this online popularity poll for these actors from 13-Jul to 30-Aug.

More than 50 countries participated in the voting including Korea, Japan, China, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, and other Asian countries, in addition, USA, Canada, England, Spain, South Africa, Brazil, Germany, Bolivia, Sweden, etc also participated in the voting. More than 1 million voters voted a day and voters are increasing as the final day for voting draws nearer.

Based on the calculation of mid-total as on 17-Aug, Lee JunKi gained the 1st place with 38.5% of votes for male actor award. Kim HyunJoong is 2nd place with 37.0%, making a mere difference of 1.5%.

Lee JunKi won the 1st place last year for this award and the drama he acted in, MBC ‘Dog & Wolf Time’ also won 1st for popular drama award. Though ‘Iijimae’ which Lee JunKi acted in is also running for the 1st place for the drama award this year, Lee JunKi will have a tough competition from Kim HyunJoong.

For female actress award, Moon GeunYoung from ‘Painter of the Wind’ is currently 1st with 35.3% votes.

These popularity awards will be presented at Seoul Drama Awards held on 11-Sep, 6pm at Olympic Park’s Olympic Hall, Bangee-dong, Seoul.


  1. Anonymous5:26 PM

    saw this someway:
    "seems like it doesn't matter how many people voting now, it's more of how "expert" you can vote.. since yahoo limit IP, junki's vote was around 1000 per hour for about 3 weeks, but all of a sudden, he's vote can increase at 100000 per hour. seems like the organizer doesnt care what the method you use to vote.. so to win all you need is a few people and a few "voting machine"--software, to be exact.. His fans won for him last year with this method as well.. he beat his opponent with 700000 increase of vote overnight on the last voting day. someone should really stand up and complaint.. it is so unfair to those who has voted every one vote!!!!Junki's chinese fans use some kind of voting software/programme, saw from one of his fan's message that she can vote couple hundred to thousand votes every hour by just running the programme. They are really expert in this.. Imaging the web site busy all the time with this votes while people who really want to vote cant even go in!!!!!!!"

    I think it is quite sure that the organiser won't do anything about it anymore.. so no use with the complaints..
    so if you really want to vote, may be the best is wake up early and get 1 vote..becoz most of the time the web is busy with the "autovotes"
    or ask around and use voting softwares as well..

  2. Anonymous5:45 PM

    we are voting at 1 vote perday, if lucky 2-3?? while others are voting at 1000votes per hour...@#*%$#

  3. Anonymous6:34 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Anonymous6:35 PM

    seriously,why is voting cleanly is so complicated?
    is it so hard to juz vote cleanly?
    cant they juz make it fair even to others?
    sigh.. really dunno what 2 do now..

  5. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Hi Liezle

    I think your suggestion to write to the correspondent of the news article is great, at least if a lot of HJ's fans complaint to them, media will pick up the news and SDA may check their system.
    Even if LJK win, there are some doubts about it if there are voices who tell how unfair this poll/event is.
    If you know their email adress, please let me know OK, thanks Liezle.

    PS : Yes we never have this kind of problem with YJ and I believe if it's YJ instead of HJ in this SDA, the organizer will be more carefull, it's why I'm so pissed off.
    Like I've said, what a shame!

  6. hi again camille.

    i tried daum but you've to be a registered daum user to be able to send email.

    for the news that came from nate, you guys might want to check this email address...

    that's the email of the person who wrote the article in nate.

  7. spring8:47 PM

    hi all..
    me too still having same problem... my error is " Incorrect access" after giving my real name and real email also, why there is still saying incorrect access lo?? if i try in japan or korea page also is the same.. loading page is so lagging too and in the end error keep come out and my vote didn't count then i was furstruated and dont want to vote already. waste my time. i will use that time for freegood poll one instead lo.. hai.. i really wonder other fans still have same problem or only KHJ fans has this?? if they can and no error like us then it is really unfair...
    Liezle, if u can write a mail to check this, please help for all of us.. appreciated.. i just tried and still having same error. not smooth. i am going to vote more in freegood site.. you all also plz do there.. get KHJ win as actor there if we cant vote in SDA...
    Hwaiting all...:D

  8. Anonymous5:15 AM

    whoever has this kind of software let us know, if they play mean, then let's do the same.... seriously though I hate cheating!!! i abhor it!!!

    let us all file a petition or do some form of message relay about the voting system malfunction of 2009 SDA to cast doubts on the result.... but just now, i was able to access the international vote and saw the big difference between LK and KHJ... i mean, for real? how did this happen?!@#$!!@@

    on the other side of voting (in freegood- for individual and as a group): we have to make sure to pull HJB/Maknae up together with his Hyungs and make a big difference so SS501 will have a wide margin ...TRIPLE S - UNITE!! SS501 FIGHTING!!! (A)

  9. Anonymous11:48 AM

    for those who live overseas you can start voting now the site is ok. please inform all the fans we still have time.

  10. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Thanks liezle, I will write to this e-mail as I couldn't to SDA.

  11. spring11:02 PM

    i tired today again.. not really ok.. seem ok and half way stopped.. i will keep try again.. so, u all can vote well already? then is my comp wrong?? i wonder why.. ok.. i will keep trying..
