
Sunday, August 23, 2009

[Trans] SS501 in Trendy Magazine Taiwan Aug 09

Another one from cagali that i lifted from Quiante501. ^^

Again to show appreciation to cagali, please do visit her blog, click HERE to be directed, to show our appreciation for her tireless effort.

This article is cute. I wish there's a video on this. ^^

8/23[Trans] SS501 in Trendy Magazine Taiwan Aug 09, Pg 25~28

Credit: Trendy Taiwan + TripleS.TW + (English translation)


Passionate X 5
SS501's first impression of Taiwan

Q: As this is SS501 1st visit to Taiwan, please share your impression and feeling about Taiwan.

Jung Min: Being the 1st time visiting to Taiwan, I am very surprised and at the same time excited to received the warm welcome by everybody upon arrival of the airport. Taiwan is exactly like what I have visualized. It is a warm and beautiful country. This is why I am very happy today.

(Once the translator finish translating, Jung Min nod his head and answer seriously: "Correct!" in his perfect mandarin pronunciation. We can't help but wonder, Jung Min ah~ Actually you can understand mandarin right!)

Hyun Joong: Although this is the first time we visit Taiwan, we have received warm welcome from the passionate fans, I am indeed very happy. I would want to visit Taiwan more often to meet with our Taiwan fans. Of course, we have to prepare more activities so that we can have more chance to connect with the fans. Hope that we can hold our concert in Taiwan soon.

Young Saeng: In fact, I have never expect Taiwan to bear resemblance of Korea. Although this is my 1st visit to Taiwan, I have a friendly and familiar feeling here. It doesn't seems like my 1st visit here as I don't feel distant but gives me a "déjà vu" feeling. (Smile shyly)

(Just when 'TRENDY' is still dazzled by Prince Young Saeng's charming smile, the performance of 'Tom & Jerry' war has started right infront of us. When Young Saeng's almost finished answering, Hyung Joon, unable to bear his curiousity, took up the beverage on table and started to shake it. The sharp eyes Jung Min notice that and immediately shout: "Hyung Joong ah~" to stop him. Both Hyun Joong & Kyu Jong who are concentrating on Young Saeng's talk and turned their head at the same time and look at Hyung Joon. Probably sensing the sight of his brothers especially Hyun Joong leader, Hyung Joon put his index finger on his lips to gesture the 'Shh.....' action. Then like a child who has made a mistake, quietly place back the beverage on the table. Jung Min sigh and shake his head and continue to listen to Young Saeng's answer earnestly.)

Hyung Joon: For me..... I think Taiwan is an extremely friendly country. In Taiwan, everybody's character must be very easy going and happy. (Hyung Joon seems to not recovering back from the shock he get from the beverage incident.)

Kyu Jong: I also have the same feelings as what everybody has mentioned. Taiwan is really a passionate place. We had some Taiwan local food for dinner tonight. They are really delicious. Really wish that we can often come to enjoy all these gourmet. Next time I will definitely try other types of food.

(Much to everyone's amusement, Jung Min straightaway nod his head none stop saying: "Xiao Long Bao! Xiao Long Bao!")

SS501 Expression Acting Test

Over the 4 year, SS501 challenge all sorts of performing activities. In this round of 'TRENDY' interview, they also challenge the Expression Acting Test for the readers. 'TRENDY' has prepared all together 6 expression cards: 'Cool', 'Cute', 'Make funny face', 'Sexy', 'Pitiful', and also the most challenging expression - 'View from your back'. Lets see which expression that each of them have picked!

Hyun Joong - 'View from your back'
We have originally thought that the most difficult and challenging expression is the 'View from your back'. However, it is acted out by our Leader Kim without any problem.

Can you understand what he is trying to express from his back? According to him, it is a very sorrow back image.

However, Hyun Jooong ah.... instead of that, your back image has made everyone present laugh!

Jung Min - 'Cute'
Our charisma Jung Min originally supposed to challenge the 'Sexy' expression, but after being 'NG' for many times because he can't stop laughing. He shamelessly changed his card to 'Cute'. After going through all the trouble, his 'Cute' acting is commented by everybody saying that it is not 'Cute' enough. He shows an unimaginable look by opening his mouth widely (as shown on the middle picture). To fulfill the demand of everybody, he is forced to redo his 'Cute' expression.

Hyung Joon - 'Cool'
Guess what has Hyung Joon selected? That's right~ He has selected the expression. Hyung Joon has originally thought that acting cool is the simplest task. However, after being making fun of continuously by the other 4 members, he keeps laughing whenever he start to act. This time, the mastermind behind all these is not Jung Min, but..... Young Saeng! Young Saeng has been laughing ever since Hyung Joon make his 1st expression. Thus making Hyung Joon 'Cool' 'Cool' 'NG' for many times.

Kyu Jong - 'Pitiful'
Before Kyu Jong starts acting his expression, the rest of the members requested him to show a very very pitiful expression. Not letting down all of them, once Kyu Jong make his face expression, everybody want to give him a pet on his head.

Young Saeng - 'Making funny face'
The champion of our acting challenge is Young Saeng. The reason that he is selected as the champion is ...... Our little prince actually willing to sacrifice his beautiful image and make a funny face. 'TRENDY' must admit, Prince Young Saeng's funny face is the cutest in the entire universe!


  1. mel_12238:23 PM

    Thanks for posting the translation, Liezle :)

    YS's cute funny faces is really so cute! I second that last sentence: 'TRENDY' must admit, Prince Young Saeng's funny face is the cutest in the entire universe!

    Looking forward to meet the boys in TW soon ^^

  2. hi mel! you're welcome. is cagali wonderful for bringing the article for all of us to read?

    btw, can you please email me at need to ask you something.


  3. Oh.. my Prince YoungSaeng, he have so many hidden character, you will never know what he going to do next.. ah he is so cute.

    And tom & jerry as well, just by reading here i can imagine how cute they are..

    Thanks Liezle

