
Monday, August 31, 2009

Triple S Malaysia get ready for SS501!

Lucky Malaysians and I'm envious of the Singaporeans too because they're very near Malaysia. Waahhhh i wish to fly and attend but it's a Thursday and there's just so many things in my mind right now.

Geez, and it's a signing event. You get to shake hands with them! Hee not sure though if you'll get to chose which member you'll go to to have his signature. Though I hope that you'll get to have all their signature and shake hands with them.

Thanks to xiaochu for reposting on soompi. I read this first on bb's blog. ^^

08/31 [news] SS501 to have fan sign in Malaysia

Credits : warnermusic malaysia FB page ( + (English Translation) Rebby @

Repost with credits only

Korean Hanazawa Rui leading team for autograph signing-singing . KHJ coming to M'sia to meet fans

Fans who has been waiting for a long time to meet KHJ and korean idol group SS501, your dream is coming true! M'sia Warner has revealed on their blog, they are preparing for SS501's only autograph session on September 3rd.

KHJ who shot to stardom playing Yoon Jihoo in Korean version of Hana Yori Dango, SS501 the group he belongs to, their popularity increased rapidly due to their part in singing the theme song Because I'm Foolish.

This drama established high ratings in Korea and F4 wave took Asia by storm. In addition to Lee Minho who played Gu Jupyo (Domyouji)'s rise to fame, KHJ who played Yoon Jihoo (Hanazawa Rui), his popularity could be said to be on par with Lee Minho.

SS501 is currently the most popular idol group in Korea, the 5 members are leader Kim Hyun Joong, Heo Young Saeng, Kim Kyu Jong, Park Jung Min and Kim Hyun Jun. SS501 who is currently holding their concert tour is much anticipated by fans when M'sia was listed as one of the likely tour stops. M'sia Warner has first released the good news on their blog and expressed that if everything goes well, SS501 would be in M'sia on September 3rd for the autograph signing, the only session to be held.

According to "Guang Ming Entertainment"'s understanding, SS501 was eager to meet with M'sian fans and upon knowing they would be stopping over in M'sia before returning to Korea, they made an effort to ask the company to let them few hours transit time to meet with their fans.

The reporter confirmed the information with the Product Manager Mr Gong at M'sia Warner, he admitted that it is very likely that fans will get to meet SS501 on September 3rd. Because M'sia Warner only received the notification shortly before their public holiday, they had to wait till the government officials' return to work on Tuesday before they could apply for the permit. Mr Gong expressed that if everything goes smoothly, Warner will hold a public event for SS501.


  1. oh my god!! they r coming to m'sia.. but im not going.. the session will be held in kl.. n im not in kl sad..

  2. wen06072:00 PM

    Its a too sudden news!

    Even singapore fans are also very hard to travel down due to working, schooling and also other reasons...

    From Singapore to Malaysia, travelling time by coach should be around 3 hours plus....

    Its too rushed for the boys!
    Poor SS501!

    Anyway, I'm also happy for the m'sia fans.... your dreams come true! ^^

  3. mel_12234:33 PM

    Yes Liezle, we have already heard of the news here last Fri in fact, but since there were no official news out yet, until Tuesday, we have to hold on to our breath n keep our fingers crossed that they are indeed gona come on Sept 3rd. My leave on that day has already been approved, so am really anticipatig this if it is really true!!

    The news however did came by too soon, we just hope that we will have more fans who can make it in such a short notice and to show the boys that the fan base here is huge too! ^^

    OMG, I am gona be able to meet JM in person!!!!

  4. You fans can help spread the word. Go!

    Btw, how many can the venue accommodate? When are they arriving and leaving. Please let us know so that we'll be ready. Though we've work on Thursday we've to be ready. ^^

    Jung Min is so friendly. I'm pretty sure he'll take time to meet his fans. And he's not afraid to look at your eyes. So adorable. My short moment with him is still so fresh in my mind. Becasue like what I said he looks in the eyes. Give him a small flag. ^^

    I'm so excited for you and the rest of the fans. Please update us okay.


  5. wen, you're going. it's a short travel. don't miss this chance. it's a signing event and who know a mini performance will be offered.

    this is the closest thing to fanmeet.


  6. hello wannurnasyitahmohamed. thanks for dropping by. you'll have your chance later. ^^


  7. gosh.. will there be any kind souls to help me take pictures and their signatures?? hahaha

  8. hello again brenda! things happen fast when in fan signing event. i believe that they can only sign in their cd and only 1 per person.

    here's a tip if you want your picture while they are giving you their autographs. Ask your friend from the queue or still waiting for their turn to take your picture bec i'm pretty sure you won't be allowed to take photo with any of them while they're giving autograph.


  9. hi liezle,
    thanks for your tip, but doubt i can be friends in M'sia are all busy with work.

    suddenly i wish i can be a fairy godmother and turn the boys into thumberlinas... hahaha.. put them into my pockets. =p

  10. Wah Im so happy. where is the place? I wanna to meet them

  11. mel_12239:58 PM

    The date and venue has not been officially confirmed yet. Shall let u all know once it is out, hopefully by tml.

  12. wen060710:16 PM

    Hi Liezle

    Depend first~ I thought of going too...but unfortunately that day is falling ob the 15 of August (which is in chinese calendar), I need to go and pray for my late father and grandparents~
    Time and venue not confirm yet so its very hard to decide~
    I know its a good opportunity but travelling to KL by coach also need about 3 hours~
    Heard that the boys only stay in KL for an hour, dunno how true?
    Anyway, I'm happy for the Malaysian fans.... take more pictures to share if I really can't go! ^^

  13. Hi Liezle
    I was away for the weekend in Phuket and realized I missed so much. Had to do so much catching up for just 4 days offline LOL. Gosh Malaysian TripleS are so lucky. Even though I'm in SG, there's no way I can be there even though I can hop on a plane & make day trip. I have HQ visitors in town for meetings this week. If prior announcement at least can plan. Sigh... Warner Music S'pore, please ask SS501 to come to S'pore to do same please.

    Anyway, fans in Malaysia, take Liezle's advice & attend if you are in KL. Mel_1223, I hope Jungmin will carry you in his arms like he did with a fan in HK yeah.

    Thanks for all the pics & vids of Beijing fan meeting Liezle. I must say I do like the boy's clothes/style at this fan meet. Real cool and they seem so happy even though they look tired.

  14. heyy. i just saw the news. and its a sudden news that they're coming here on thursday. any malaysians going? i guess i have to go alone this time if i wanna meet them. and its gonna be on weekdays so now my chances to go are 50-50. i just hope they're autograph session wont start late since its puasa month now. and thanks for the informations though. really appreciate it. :)

  15. if iam in Malaysia i will get my ticket and go, i need to take flight as i cann't take bus over the south china sea, @_@!! ^_^!!.......arrhhh too bad i am not even in Malaysia now!!!!! how i wish i am on holiday now!!!!!!!! Ss501 i wish u will hold your concerts in Malaysia in December,2009 please please please!!!

  16. Anonymous6:29 AM

    OMG! why do this thing always happen to me?!?!? whenever im out..good thing always happen back home(m'sia)..for example this!=( not gonna be bac at m'sia by sept im goin to miss all the good stuff at this signing so mad!!wish im bac right at this second..=(

    anyways..i think i'll be just waiting 4 the fancams frm fans at the event... n pictures too!!of course can't miss those good stuff too..hehe

    btw..will ss501 be holding any events in USA?? do anyone know..

  17. OMG!!!!!!!!!
    to suprise to see this news today!!!
    it's like a dream!!
    you know yesterday you talked about them n suddenly u gotta know that's they're coming!!
    i wanna go too!!!!

  18. argh!! I wish they would come to Singapore..I can't go KL and my birthday is in Sept..if they could come to Singapore it's gonna be the best birthday ever!! =/
