
Saturday, September 12, 2009

aaawww.... so sweet of leader

I just visited cagali's blog [SS501UFO] and found out the Hyun Joong sent flowers.

Just like cagali, while I was looking for photos to post earlier, I came across with some banners and flowers which I know came from fans. To my surprise, when I read cagali's entry just now, those flowers that I saw earlier that I wasn't interested at all when I saw them came from Hyun Joong and they come with a message on a tag!

Geez, isn't he just the sweetest? He's sick and he even thought of sending flowers and with message. How can one not love this fellow... sigh...

I'm shoving here the message that cagali translated. Much thanks cagali.! If you have time, please do visit her blog to give thanks. ^^

Credit: SS601 + (Chinese translation) VIVID@ + (English translation)

Please repost with FULL CREDIT

This is the content on the card:

Really appreciate the love of all my fans
I will come back soon to be together with everybody
Love all of you... ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
From: Kim Hyun Joong

And this is the basket of flowers he sent.

photos credit as labeled.


  1. mel_12231:29 AM

    Wow, thanks Liezle,Cagali, SS601, Vivid and SS501UFO!

    Leader is really soo sweet, even he is sick and recovering, he can still thank the fans over their caring concern for him too. Ah did the news say the flowers were sent to which particular fanclub? even though he may hv just sent one, but we all feel his love all around, and he knows that the fans knows that too.

    Get well soon :)

  2. Ohhhh.. that was touch my heart.

    Thanks for sharing sis!

  3. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Wow, I saw these pictures and thought it was flowers from fans to Hyun Joong and didn't pay attention at all. But it's from him to fans! He IS indeed sweet.

  4. Susan1:52 AM

    Thank You Liezle and Calagi! :)

    Love the 3 boys in white below, so so so handsome like prince!!! And omo, Leader is so so so sweeet. He's really so so so thoughtful, and he deserves our love :D SO happy to see his flowers, hope he is resting well in japan now! I'll have a sweet night's sleep tonight with ''flowers'' in my dreams tgt with leader hehe :) Thanks once again!

  5. Hi Liezle! You win already! You even type out the hearts! Okay! I must go back to change mine!! LOL!!! Agreed that leader is sweeettt.... :D

  6. spring3:34 AM

    OMG... now then i see it just before i go to bed...i will go to bed with big smile now..and will sure dream of leader...hee..
    thanks first to Liezle,Cagali, SS601, Vivid and SS501UFO...

    how can we not love more and more to leader... he is so sweet.. i know he is so sweet since he hold free concert JH good bye last time.. now he show his love to his fans again although he is sick....
    that's why i said leader is trying his best to recover fast.. he love his fans so much.. he will not disappoint us.. we believe him.. usually, we send flower and msg to sick person.. now, he is opposite... ohhh... such a sweetie... not important he send to which fanclub.. he is sending this big present to all his fans representing all his love.. we all feel his love to us.. "THANK YOU" infinity...our leader... you are the best.. perfect, caring, sweetest leader... we will wait patiently yr comeback.. take rest well and eat more now... THANK YOU AGAIN LEADER...^-^

  7. Anonymous4:07 AM

    OMG how sweet ! Thanks Liezle for sharing, I'm very glad and relieved to know that he's fine now.

  8. ohhh..isnt he sweet and thoughtful
    always have his fans in his mind
    man of few words but also detailed in his actions
    so lovable and adorable

    thanks liezle for constantly updating us with the boys movements...

  9. Anonymous8:11 AM

    that was thoughtful of Dork leader to send flowers, - clarification though... did he send the flowers to a certain fan club or did he send flowers to DSP to display it for his fans in general.... hmmm just thinking... and he says he is not into mushy sweety things, but look what he is doing now... kekekekeke... i remembered he also wrote smileys and hearts for his fans in his minihompi during boys before flowers days ..kekeke (A)

  10. Dear Liezle ,

    WOW ! I've seen those flowers in SS601 since yesterday....and never guessed who they were from !

    It's beautiful and sweet with pale pink flowers, not like others...

    Thanks for posting. I hope you don't mind me stealing some of the hearts from Leader to put in my blog ^____^

    Love, myoce

  11. wen060711:15 AM

    Yes...leader is indeed sweet and thoughtful~^^
    When my korean friend told me about this, I was like so surprising..... thought the flower basket was given by fans instead of given by him to his fans....oh~>.<

    Can feel how excited the fans are, from the ways that they commented^^

  12. hi cagali! ^^ not only the sweet but i guess the sweetest.

    myoce, permission granted. ^^

    (A)hyun joong doesn't like being a show off. he does things differently that is why it's sweeter. those i think are some of the traits that make us adore him.


    hello, camille, kadd, susan, all Anonymous, khin and mel. hope everyone will have a great weekend.

  13. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Awww..Leader is the sweeetest. He really touch my heart. He is one classy guy! Thanks for sharing!

