
Tuesday, September 01, 2009

another park jung min spazzzz

How can anyone resist posting these set of photos of Park Jung Min during the Beijing Fan Meeting? He is so full of charisma even in photos.

Heaps of thanks to Julia for posting these on According to her post, these photos were :

Taken by : Magic
Photoshopped by : 北北
Original Source : No.43 Park¤

'Hyung Joon ah, popo.'

'Hyeong, keep your mouth shut.'

Makane 'You behave, okay.'

Alright, I'll behave.

Will just give cute smile. ^_^

I'm bored...

Alright, I''ll jut look for that cute lady with
short and round face?

The following are cute and clear photos again. Click them to enlarge and save... save... save...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:16 PM

    the photos of jung min and baby are so cute!! wish we could have some videos of the whole fanmeet..they seem to be discussing something real interesting! :) thanks for the photos!

