
Saturday, September 26, 2009

because of his warmness yong joon won the heart of the media

As some of you do not know. Yong Joon doesn't have a good relationship with Korean media. Why? Because Yong Joon doesn't want to give much interviews and he doesn't like appearing in any show other than dramas where he appeared in. He hardly appears in public. With this kind of attitude, the Korean media finds him arrogant. But ever since Yong Joon started, he is like this and they've misinterpreted him. Likewise, he's not the kind of actor who would use media in every thing that he does.

But after 'TWSSG' a.k.a. 'Legend', I believe that the media has somehow changed their way of thinking about Yong Joon. Little by little they've started to understand the kind of person he is. His sincerity and his intentions. When before there was a group of media who would do nothing but write negative things about him, as time goes by, I find this group dwindling down in numbers.

When the announcement of his book was made, may still doubted his intentions. But when the book had its launch in Korea recently, many again changed their impression on him.

Here's another article that suehan translated and shared on BYJ's Quilt. It's another testimonial on how Yong Joon won the hear of media because of his sincerity, his thoughtfulness, his passion and dedication.

I hope again that you'll find time to read this nicely written account.

Thanks to suehan once more for your hardwork.

Before you read the article, here's suehan's note in BYJ's Quilt.

Note from suehan :

Since BYJ published his book, ‘Traveling to discover the beauty of Korea’, I find lots of postings in the Korean websites. What I am impressed of the most is that his book changed the bloggers impression of him which was not-so good to begin with and his reason to publish his book. The postings I translated below could be a good example of it and it’s was written by a producer of the broadcasting company. The blogger posted two vods, but I didn’t know how to repost the vods, please go to the website if you’re interested in watching it. [liezle : the url of the videos are disabled, i though of posting them here but couldn't]


[Trans]Reporters’ gathering for a commemorative event for the publication of the BYJ’s book
Original in Korean: Peaches on the mango tree
Translated into English: suehan

Bae Yong Joon held the reporters’ gathering to commemorate
the publication of his book and I attended to cover it.
It’s said that the book was published to introduce the beauty of Korea.

Jeong Woo Seong and Jang Dong Gun’s movie previews were
scheduled to be held today as well.

Manpower of Korea Entertainment news was divided into 3 today
because there were 3 big events that would be held for
Jeong Woo Seong, Jang Dong Gun and Bae Yong Yoon.

But, the location where most reporters gathered was
the commemorative event for the publication of BYJ’s book.

A certain broadcasting company could not attend one of
the two remaining events.

Another company decided to interview the other two later on and
all of them came to Bae Yong Joon’s event.


That is the reason why many,
Reporters gathered at BYJ’s.

A certain reporter said,

BYJ’s events treat reporters very well.
But that might not be the reason why the reporters gathered.

They treated us very well.

The picture above is the USB that was handed to us before the event.
It was a 4GB and said that it was designed by an artisan of
the lacquered wood inlaid shells.

It wasn’t my favorite style,
but everyone was so happy to have it because it was a 4GB.

It was pIaced in a box and it looked good enough to give as a gift.
Our CP senior gave it to the broadcasting general manager right away.

We chatted before we entered the hall.
Senior cameraman Haejoon,
audioman Dongsik, and
wuri assistant producer ‘Hanchang’.

Event was supposed to start at 2pm, and
I heard that we could enter at 1:30 pm.

We were sure that lots of reporters would gather, so we left at 11 am,
and arrived at the venue before noon, but..

We were going to put our names on the reporters’ entering list
as soon as we arrived, but we were the 34th --;

A certain team said that they came at 8 am and put their names
as the first, and next team came at 9 am.. just like that.
This field is very competitive in every way.

Mess before entering the hall.
People are most sensitive at this time because they want to occupy
a good spot for shooting which depends on who enter first.

Originally, we’re supposed to enter the hall according to the order of the list
which we wrote down this morning, but we could see this kind of mess often
due to their strong nerves because some didn’t want lose their turns, and
some actually thought that they would enter according to the order of the line.

In this chaos, assistant producer Hanchang (His full name is Seo, Hanchang)
and I are concentrating to take pictures. He said that he was going to
show BYJ’s pictures to his mother.

Finally, it’s our turn to enter..

Inside of hall for the reporters’ gathering.

Finally, Bae Yong Joon appeared.

He has a well-developed figure. I mean it.

So-called, ‘A class’ stars have different auras.
Either they work hard to have that shape or were born like that,
Those are the reasons why they call them ‘A class’.


Recently, Bae Yong Joon was hospitalized for sepsis due to his hectic
schedule for publication.
He had a bad complexion and his voice was quivering while he was
speaking due to his weakness.

Nevertheless, I could see clearly that he was doing his best.

I didn’t ‘edit’ it, but did just ‘cut and past’ with Daum Pot Encoder.
But my computer in my house which isn’t performing well seemed to
have a hard time handling it. Editing is not consistent.
It’s a shame for a person who has a job as a film editor.

To tell the truth, it was my first time covering Bae Yong Joon,
and I was surprised a little and jealous.

The reason I was surprised..

While he was writing this book,

he met many artisans [for example, artisans for Pansori (the traditional
Korean narrative songs), traditional dyeing, plum farm, lacquer painting, etc.)]

All of them praised BYJ highly.

Even though they live in the country side..
They have been living over 50 years and aren’t fools at all.

If his goal was to make money, or didn’t work hard, or showed his
shallowness, then they surely sense or know his intention.

But, all of them, with one voice, talked about BYJ’s warmness as human,
diligence, meticulousness, and passionate.

They became ‘masters’ because they devoted themselves in one thing,
and BYJ was recognized by ‘these masters’

I thought that the praise didn’t come without efforts
This occurred to me while I was listening to their praises.

And another thing I was envious of him

A while ago,
I mentioned this when I published the paper on the Cyworld.

If I have a chance,

I want to visit the masters of our traditional musical instruments,
learn the procedures on how to make the musical instruments one by one,
watch and interview them.

And then I would like to participate in making my own instrument eventually.

So, at that time,
Master of Janggoo (Korean Traditional Drum) someone, someone.

Master of Bangzza (high-quality brass tableware) who can make Jiing (a gong)
someone, someone

Master of Buk (a drum) someone, someone, someone

I had made a list that way.

Later, I would visit them to get the musical instruments.

Among them, a certain master of Janggoo (a drum),
I’m going to visit him no matter what happens.

BYJ met the masters of the musical instruments,
Hyojae Sonsangnim who makes the Korean dresses,
worked at the farm with the owner of a plum field whom I can’t remember her name,
met the noted singer of Pansori,
and met the master of the lacquer painting.

And above all,
I really was envious of him because he could communicate with them by heart.

I am really envious of him.

Frankly, before I came here,
I was a bit lukewarm because I thought he wrote a book half-heartedly to make money


I realize today that
This man seems to meet people wholeheartedly,
and wrote the book sincerely
So I see him differently.

I began to like Hyojae Seonsangnim after I read her book.

She set a table with tea and snacks for us herself after the commemorative event.

She told BYJ that ‘We aren’t supposed to send the guests back empty-handed.’.
She also prepared the snacks saying, ‘we have to eat tomatoes with salt’ and ‘scoop
up tea with a gourd and drink it’.

Dainty tomatoes that were on salt and looked like snow.

Tea which was scooped up with a gourd before drinking.

Paper plates, woodened chopsticks,
Such a sincere way..

Songpyuns (suehan: it is half-moon shaped and filled with stuffing
made from sesame seed and sugar. The dish is always steamed on top
of pine needles.) were really tasty.

Armful of generous gifts

Bae Yong Joon ssi’s book were given..

One bottle of 3 kinds of traditional liquor which were brewed by
the master of traditional liquor was inside of each bag.

I took Gamhongro.

Gamhongro is; “It is the special liquor of Gaeseong providence and
special distilled liquor of Korea that Lithospermum erythrorhizonv, cinnamonand honey were added to make the aroma and color while Soju was distilled."

I kept this liquor in a deep pIace where I keep my ‘good’ things to drink
with good friends on a nice day.

Assistant producer Hanchang who is still shooting enthusiastically like me.

Bae Yong Joon’s car, Maybach, under the blue sky.

Reporters who need to shoot BYJ when he comes out.
The footsteps of Japanese fans who were eager to see him more closely.
Screams are coming out from them. Greedy minds to possess BYJ.


If you watch it very carefully,
then you can see his head. --

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