
Thursday, September 17, 2009

brian joo's myspace entry

Did you watch 'Green Gold' last Monday? Yeah, I did and it was sort of entertaining. Thanks to shirbogirl for providing the link to the first episode. You can check it HERE.

Well, tonight I happen to read one of the 4 MCs MySpace blog entry, Brian Joo, that 아이떼떼 posted on

Brian shared a bit on how the other MCs were looking forward to watching the show. And from his blog entry, I learned that Maknae stayed home to watch [that was the day the sub group arrived from Shenyang].

Below is a screencap of Brian's MySpace blog entry and a photo of him with Kim Hyung Joon that he posted on his MySpace.

Kim Hyung Joon and me between filming our SBS program...
we are like family

This is the screencap of Brian's MySpace blog entry.

I've re-typed Brian's MySpace blog entry for everyone to read [though you can enlarge the photo above] and highlighted what he wrote about Maknae. ^_^

Feeling relieved~!!

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that the show aired for the first time tonight and I was so nervous that about it and so were the rest of the guys on the program. Actually, Kim Hyung Joon texted me 5 minutes before the show started saying that he was home about to watch our show and that he was pretty nervous about it and poor Jo Kwon, he wanted to monitor it as well but, he was filming SBS's Star King and only got to see the last 10 minutes.... I have to admit, I had no idea what to expect and if the program was gonna be amusing at all but, to my surprise, it was pretty cool and I laughed more watching it then when we filmed it.

Afterwards, I got a text from Shin Dong saying that the people that he knew who saw the show thought it was a great program that taught people about why caring for the environment as so important. I felt relieved hearing that because the scariest thing for any TV MC is hearing all the bad reviews. Either way, the show must go on and we four guys will work out butts off to make the show entertaining as well as a great learning experience for the whole world to see. Just wanted to thank you all for making this possible again, and I really hope you guys take our show seriously and really think about what our world is turning into. I myself am learning a lot as I'm working on this program. A lot of people around the world neglect the importance of saving energy, water conservation,and pollution. Let's all open our eyes and keep on focusing on how important taking care of our plant is. Thanks for reading and God bless ya'll~!!

In Him,
Brian Joo

P.S. Kee on watching our show every Monday nights at6:25pm (Seoul, Korea time]


Btw, I've been wanting to post this but cannot find the right timing when since I didn't have much Makanae's entry for the past days. This is a photo of Makanae, his brother Ki Bum [U-Kiss] and their cute dog Choco at the studio of SBS Music High which was taken last week.

Aside from seeing Kim Bum visiting his brother in Music High, did you notice something interesting in this photo?

No? Did you try enlarging the photo? Notice anything? Still none?

Alright, check Maknae's face, he has stubble which we seldom see him with.


  1. Er, may I ask if there are eng subs for this show ?



  2. hyung joon is more good looking than ki bum..aheheheh

  3. qwerty11:11 PM

    i think baby is super handsome beside brian. that picture is damn good looking!

  4. sorbet6:51 AM

    baby and brian are good looking! :) love them both!

    oh liezle...i think you tag wrongly for this post? err you tagged leader instead of baby. =x

    baby fighting!! :P
