
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

GreenGold Ep 3 on YT [unsubbed]

I still haven't watch last Monday's episode of 'Green Gold'. But I think I don't have any excuse now since shirbogirl has already posted [i know i'm late] the show in six [6] parts on her YT.

It seems another fun episode. ^^ Maknae together with the 3 other MCs are goofing around again. I wonder what's their topic?

Btw, has anyone seen any video of 'Green Gold' with subs? Hmm... I really hope someone will do it. The show is really interesting.

Note : When uploading to YT or any video streaming or re-posting to other sites/blogs please give proper credit to shirbogirl. Thank you!


  1. Anonymous4:20 AM

    has anyone heard of the ss501 photobook USA?

    liezle, if you know anything abt it, and how to order it...pls update us! thanks so much! you are so resourceful!

  2. Hi anonymous,
    Although I am not liezle, i think this would be kind of (?) useful 4 u. On this url:
    it talks about it. If u r not bothered looking at the pics on that site, here is just the info.

    This postcard book is selling in now for 15,000won (~USD12.40).

    Credit to: SS501 UFO blogger who got it from + 김쭈닝@SS601

    Hope it is useful!!!

  3. Anonymous4:32 PM

    thanks jen!

    its all in korean...that website. any idea how to go about ordering it? or can we order it from other sites?
