
Saturday, September 26, 2009

[guessing game] who are these?

Much thanks to Shirley for sending me these photos and suggesting that I can use these for more guessing games. ^_^

These photos were from Persona in Seoul. Can you make a guess as to who is the member is each photo is?

Can you guess whose back is this?
Kim Hyun Joong
Kim Kyu Jong
Kim Hyung Joon
Heo Young Saeng
Park Jung Min free polls

Whose side view profile is this?
Kim Hyun Joong
Kim Kyu Jong
Kim Hyung Joon
Heo Young Saeng
Park Jung Min free polls

Can you guess who this is just by looking at the nape?
Kim Hyun Joong
Kim Kyu Jong
Kim Hyung Joon
Heo Young Saeng
Park Jung Min free polls
The answers...


If you answer Jung Min in any of the photos you're wrong. It's definitely not him since he has the longest hair amongst the members of SS501.


First photo is Kim Kyu Jong...


Second photo is Kim Kyu Jong...


Third photos is Kim Kyu Jong. ^_^

Here are more photos of Kyu Jong from from as shared by Shirley. The first three are the original photos that I used above.

I would have used this photo too but the smile is a give away.

At first glace you would have think that this is Leader.

P.S. this news was shared by a good friend and she read it in Taiwan news. Not sure how accurate. According to what she read, the most anticipated all Korean album of SS501 will come out by end of October. What?!

Dang! I'm hoping that this is not true since I'm really expecting the album to be released early October so that I can purchase when I go to Seoul next month.

P.P.S I know I've some visitors from Korea visiting my blog. Is there anyone who's kind enough willing to help me when I go to Seoul on the 15th? I need one particular favor regarding SS501. Please e-mail me at


  1. Dear liezle...
    it's fun to guess your mysterious pics lately..
    And i'm getting stressed with kadd, in triple sg..guessing the part of body of SS501 boys...hahahaha...
    But's really fun..

  2. mel_12238:58 PM

    Haha Liezle, coming from Shirley, I should hv knew all the 3 pictures shld belong to Kyu Kyu Kyu! oh well, i only got the 2nd pic right this time. I had actually guessed the 1st n 3rd pic as Baby..though baby shld hv an even slimmer back. haha...

  3. MeLek9:33 PM

    It took me about a second to guess^^ That can't be anyone but him.
    First one was shoulders,
    Second one was hands,
    third one was shoulders again^^

    Thanks Liezle,
    have a nice weekend!

  4. tnx! got the 2nd pic!i thought it was baby on the 1st and leader in the 3rd! have a nice weekend!

  5. spring1:58 AM

    me too same guess as mel...
    thought baby kyu baby..:-)

  6. awwwts i got only 1/3 (2nd pic) fun ^_^

  7. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Liezle, the first clue you gave about the picture was not the picture itself but that it came from Shirbo^^, hence i thought right away...who else but Kyu Jong!...i scrolled down and voted and even with his back pics, it is my fave.^^ ^^this is fun, thank you liezle and thanks shirley^^ (A)
