
Saturday, September 19, 2009

[guessing game] 'ginger' feet

You want another one? Hee, you've no choice if your answer is no, sorry. I'm posting another guessing game. ^_^

I'm pretty sure many have already seen this photo. But for some who are only seeing this for the first time, let's have another game, k?

Who is this cute member of SS501 showing off his healthy toenails?

Whose the owner of these 'ginger' like toes?
Kim Hyun Joong
Heo Young Saeng
Kim Kyu Jong
Park Jung Min
Kim Hyung Joon free polls

Isn't this member so cute and funny? Alright, time to reveal the answer once again. Did you guessed it right?

From where this was taken, this member said :

"Now I am giving exercise to my toes. You can see that I am healthy, right? But Hyun Joong look tired. That is bad… Our leader is tired."

So, if your guess is Leader, you lose.


Then, who could it be?

It's Park Jung Min's toenails.

This if from Photo501. You may click HERE to read my previous post about this.

I should have bought the Photo501 that I saw in Hong Kong the last time I was there. Darn! Now I hate myself for not getting it ... boo... hu hu...

Anyway, for those who might be interested to get a copy of Photo501. You may check it at Triple S Malaysia blog. Just don't know if they'll cater to overseas fans. You may ask Jen about it, she's nice. Click HERE.

photo above courtesy of

P.S. Do not forget to watch 'Family Outing' tomorrow. As most of you know Hyun Joong will be one of the guests on the September 20 and 27 episodes on SBS at 5:30pm.You can catch it on TVAnts if you have it in your PC.


  1. mel_122310:02 PM

    Haha Liezle,

    I luv ur quizes! I got it right the 3rd time. I was abit hesitant at first but decided to go with my instinct haha.

    Cool quiz! ^^ ah i soo miss him now again..:P

  2. Anonymous1:22 AM

    Cute games sis Liezle...since I have the Photo501, I knew right away whose feet are those..hahah! such silly boy. Btw, Photo501 is great to have...the DVD in there is nice! I ordered it thru a bookstore in LA for US$50 (incl tax & SH) which is not bad since Yesasia sells it for US$54.99 (this doesn't even incl tax & SH yet)

    -shrimpy ( ^.^) v

  3. Goonao1:43 AM

    good game ^^ !!

  4. ha ha that reminds me of JM toe socks :D

  5. J_Girl10:45 AM

    Hi Liezle,

    a bit off topic but do you happen to know where we can watch family outing live? Also what time does it air in Korea? Can't wait to see Leader! Been missing him like crazy!!!
