
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Hyun Joong & Min Ho @ BoF Premium Event 09.06.09

We have been waiting for some good soul to share with us photos of Hyun Joong during the 09.06.09 'Boys Over Flowers'Premium Event in Yokohama. Someone heard us and shared this set of photos on Daum. Thanks to mailene for sharing on khj thread @ soompi.
From the series of photos, I wonder what Hyun Joong is thinking. Let's see...

Hyun Joong : That stuffed lion that Min Ho is holding
looks interesting

Hyun Joong : I want to hold it, but how.
He seems to like it much

Oppsie, some one got their attention...

Hyun Joong : I should think of a way to get that lion.

Hyun Joong : Ya! Min Ho is holding the lion
with his two hands now.

Think... think... think...

Hyun Joong : Min Ho seems to adore the lion so much.

Hyun Joong : Never mind, that's just a stuffed toy.
I've seen something more interesting in Malaysia...
a wild monkey.


  1. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Hehhe..great really captures HJ's thoughts in those pics..

  2. wen060712:29 PM

    Haha~~ liezle, hope you dun mind I share this post in my blog.... its so funny but I like it ^^
    Will full credit to you of cuz ^^

  3. finkle12:35 PM

    Haha thanks for the pics, is so much funnier with the caps u created! Reminds me of how he said he wants to be a lion in his next life in WGM :P

  4. OMG liezle!

    I've been a silent reader on your blog but now really can't stop myself to post a comment on this posting...

    It's a hilarious captions!

    Nice one!

    Keep up! enjoy reading ur blog!


  5. Anonymous1:18 PM

    hello there. ok i know that you mostly blog about ss501 and BYJ, but i just gotta share this piece of news with you. i come to this site quite often (every day, several times a day actually to get news on the boys), but as i was browsing through allkpop for latest kpop news, i came across an article that says 2pm Jaebeom is quiting!!! apparently over some myspace comments he made while he was a trainee and some crazy ass netizen happened to dug it up. and it was a huge controversy in the past days, to the point that jaebeom was getting death threats and there was anti-fan petitions going around to get him kick out of the group, and all their group's activities, promotions, shows, etc were being cancelled for the remainder of the season. well, he is officially quiting and returning back to america on a flight later today!! im not a fan of 2pm nor do i know much about them at all. all i know is they're pretty popular in korea right now but my gosh!! how freaking shocking is that!! the extent of the power korean netizens have!! and jaebeom was the leader of 2pm too and he's quitting!!!..just like that....i'm still stunned by the news.

  6. I am amazed by your captions! Liezle! Have a good laugh over it! :D

  7. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Hi Liezle, your posting really cracks me up.
    And you know what ? At first when I saw those pics, it seems to me that leader couldn't take his eyes from that lion. Maybe it's a good idea to give it as a gift to him.


  9. Though I'm proud that leader kept promise to japanese fans,I still feel bad for him. He barely smiled and you can see his sunken eyes. Hope he's resting now...

  10. hello everyone! wow thank you so much for liking my captions. ^_^ i made it real fast because i've to go somewhere and didn't have any idea if i made sense at all. ^_^ i'm glad that i put smile on your face guys.


  11. hello Anonymous. I just know how you're feeling right now. I really find the issue ridiculous. It's so petty. But yeah it has proven again how netizens and fans in korea are scary. They can make things happen. I hope Jaebeom is doing alright. I know he has lots of supporters and he still has JYP and 2PM.

    I wish that Jaebeom will reconsider. But with things are now in Korea, i don't know... I just wish him for more strength.


  12. Anonymous5:32 PM

    OMG!!! no wonder there were no fancams of leader at the airport!! he was still in japan at the hospital!! with the swine flu!!!


    Kpop news seems true.

    Check it out for me pls ):


  14. Anonymous5:38 PM

    i read newsen.. and it IS TRUE... he is still in japan now... ><

    ottokeeeeee what happen today.. bad day!!!

  15. I hope DSP says something about it ):

  16. Anonymous5:43 PM

    OMG, Liezle, I just read a second ago on allkpop that Leader has contracted H1N1 influenza and is being treated in a hospital in Japan. He didn't go back to Korea? Is this true?

    Hope he'll get well soon.

  17. sorbet5:54 PM

    i read allkpop that leader has contracted swine flu!!!! OMG.

    and baby had the virus as well? i read somewhere that baby has the flu virus too. omg.

  18. Anonymous6:03 PM

    but baby back to korea... that is some sign he didnt have swine flu too.. if he have, he must be quarantine now in japan...

  19. hyun joong was in the emergency room in japan being treated for h1n1 virus

  20. Anonymous6:17 PM

    omg...isn't swine flu contagious??if so, all those places he went within the past couple weeks, all those people he was surrounded by (staffs, BOF crew, SS501, and all those fans!!!)...ah, i hope u guys don't contract the flu too. for those fans who were in contact with HJL or in close proximity, i hope u guys get yourselves check too! ...i hope leader makes a speedy recovery and i hope it's nothing super serious.

  21. spring9:19 PM

    like yr captions so much...look like they are exactly what our perfect leader might be thinking... his expression and yr captions are match well..
    i like yr last caption... i able to put little smile while my heart is so heavy after read HJ is very sick latest post..

    Thanks you... u r so creative as well..
    sometime, i not able to leave comment.. but i read all and always check yr blog more than once in a day.. wonder how you can keep update so fast everyday.. thanks for yr not tiring effort to share us a lot...

  22. love the captions liezle cracked me up ^_^

  23. Anonymous9:10 AM

    hi liezle, anneong haseyo, this post of yours was the only light in my gloomy mood today with KHJ being sick? if you dont mind, i posted a link to your site in the Joongbo thread at soompi, coz it reminded me really of the farm episode where he said he wanted to be a lion.., pleease? thnks, people there needs this post, a medicine.., thanks liezle jjang...

  24. hello Anonymous above. ^^

    no problem... go ahead you may post. ^^

    i'm happy that this post put a smile one everyone who is reading it.


  25. Anonymous1:17 PM

    i was oso very amused when i first saw theses photos of him looking at the lion when leeminho's talking!
    totally absorbed by it 8) hahhaa
    thanks for 'capping'! ^^

  26. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Did think of the farm episode. But also remembered Buin's sign is Leo (you can see it in her minihompy), so he felt like grabbing it from LMH.
