
Monday, September 14, 2009

i'm back finally... whew?

I've been deprived of internet today. Good thing I was able to post Kyu Jong's photos and made those who adore Kyu Jong happy before out server give way.

Oh yeah, though I wasn't able to surf I was able to read all comments posted today. Geez, seems that many 'died' and it looks like Shirley is the 'assassin' because of all the Kyu Jong photos. ^_^

Alright, enough... I better post these photos. I know I'm already late posting this...miane...

I actually have many photos of the boys at Shenyang last night but I decided not to post them since they're not that clear. I've waited and waited but nothing came last night until these photos arrived in my email. Again, thanks to Shirley for making me sane the whole day by supplying me with new photos despite not being able to connect to internet. This set of photos were lifted from


  1. wen06076:56 PM

    Hey liezle, once again thanks for sharing the photos of the 3 boys~^^

  2. Anonymous6:35 AM

    hi liezle!
    did u notice that kyu jong look like hyun joong in these pics with the hairstyle?? it just me o wat?? maybe i miss hyun joong too
