
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kim Hyun Joong recuperating at home

I saw this news posted by cagali [SS501UFO] on her blog. I'm shoving it here and I hope that cagali wouldn't mind. ^^

When I first heard of the news that he will recuperate in Jeju I asked why Jeju. I find it weird that he’ll be recuperating in Jeju when his parents are in Seoul . I bet his parents want take care of him themselves while getting well than going to Jeju to be taken cared of others, right?

When Hyun Joong arrived yesterday, I was actually kinda confused why he was in Gimpo when he can actually get a direct flight from Tokyo to Jeju. Then I thought that he might have opted to take the Gimpo to Jeju flight instead. But then, to my surprise after the mini presscon he was herded by his managers to a waiting van. So I'm assuming that he didn't plan on heading to Jeju to recuperate but instead going home which I think is the best idea. But why did DSP released that info. Could it be a ploy by DSP so that fans will not bother when his home. Hmm, could be?

Anyway, I'm really glad that his home resting and hopeful still being a good patient. And yeah, I can't stop from thinking the kind of bonding their family is having at the moment.

Btw, Mariposa shared a news to me earlier. In that news it says that the checked in again at a hospital. But don't get alarmed, it's just probably a routine check up since he is still not fully recovered. Likewise, there's a news that says that he still has fever. Honestly, I don't think that this is true since if he still has fever I don't think that Hyun Joong will even pass the temperature scanner at the airport.

So to keep us from worrying too much about Hyun Joong, I suggest that we don't believe everything that we read. If he says that he's okay now and trying to get back into shape then let's put our faith in what he said, k? Btw, he never mentioned Jeju yesterday so I guess Jeju's plan has already been scratched.

[News] Kim Hyun Joong returned to Korea on 16 Sept. SS501 new album to be released this month

Credit: + Baidu Tieba KHJ + (English translation)

Please repost with full credit.

Kim Hyun Joong returned to Korea on 16 Sept. SS501 new album to be released this month

According to Korea media report, Kim Hyun Joong who confirmed diagnose with new influenza, return to Korea via Kimpo Airport yesterday (16 Sept) after completed his medical treatment in Japan.

17 Sept, Kim Hyun Joong's management company DSP reveal: "After returning from Japan, Kim Hyun Joong will return home and concentrate in rest and recuperate back his health."

One higher management in DPS media company reveal: "SS501 will release their new album in this month. After discussing with Kim Hyun Joong and his member, it was decided to release the album this month. On 7 Sept, when Kim Hyun Joong was confirmed contracted with new influenza, the album release plan was pushed back, however, Kim Hyun Joong had requested to release the album as schedule after he was discharged from the hospital on 15 Sept. "

Kim Hyun Joong was under medical treatment in a hospital in Japan since 7 Sept when he particated in the "Boys over Flowers" promotional activity in Yokohama. He had high fever suddenly and was sent to E.R. to seek medical treatment and was confirmed contracted new influenza.


  1. thanks alot for haring this info...
    really thanks alot..
    hope to see more from you..=)

  2. thanks for sharing.. ^^

  3. Jennifer4:03 PM

    Most important thing is the Leader can rest well and recover fully. Then all of us won't be worried and will keep on praying for him, isn't it?

    As for the releasing of the album, I hope DSP will release as scheduled. If not, we still can wait.

    Thanks for sharing the news. :D

  4. Thanks for sharing!
    His health is important.
    I love to see him back on stage, but don't want to hear that he's ill or fainted again.
    Please, Leader take more time to rest till fully recover! We don't mind to wait!

  5. wow hjl must really care for us a lot!! requesting to release the album as scheduled and using the normal passage way for his arrival..hjl is the best leader ever!!

  6. liliya7:53 PM

    Mother is the best doctor!
