Monday, September 07, 2009

Maknae back in SK 09.07.09

As mentioned earlier HERE, SS501 came back to S Korea today at 11am and Prettyboy was there to capture the arrival of Maknae.

I was hoping to see photos of the other members, but only Kyu Jong was captured.

Thanks to Shirley for tipping me with links.

Is that Jung Min on the right?

Oh, there's Jung Min. ^-^

p.s. Found the following photos from Baidu. Original credit as labeled.

Yeah! A photo of Jung Min. ^_^

The shirt Kyu Jong is wearing is a gift by a fan.
[Thanks to finkle for sharing]

Kyu Jong is such a sweetie. Last Saturday, according to J-Girl's post in one of the comment boxes, she wrote that the dolphin necklace that Kyu Jong was wearing when they left for Japan was also a gift from a fan when they were in KL. Click HERE to view the photo of Kyu Jong wearing the dolphin necklace.


Anonymous said...

thanks liezle for the pics ^^
ahh,jm always only appear half in de pic..
lol ^^

while YS is nowhere to be found..
bt,is leader gone back with the boys to SK or separately?

finkle said...

Hi Liezle, thanks for the pics, but so strange why isn't YS and HJL captured?? And do you know if there is some kind of prohibiiton on filming for the 6th sept event? Cos there have been no fancams or pics so far of any of the F4 or GHS!

And I am also really curious about the PC.. hope it is nothing bad :S

liezle said...

Hurmutube though it was not mentioned in the post of cagali, i am assuming that they all went back together.


liezle said...

hello finkle. i'm certain in both events filming is not allowed. some though got away with it. in japan copyright law if very strict and when they say no camera the japanese comply with this.hee, i've been to a byj event in japan last year and i'm a witness on how japanese are very obedient and orderly. i was really amazed.


p.s. been looking for vids too but still haven't seen anything. even shirley who has the ability to look for good vids hasn't find any yet.

finkle said...

Hi Liezle, I found some clear Kyu pics at the Japan fanmeet :)

liezle said...

finkle, loads of thanks for the tip. i just posted a new page carrying this set of photo of kyu jong..


finkle said...

Hi Liezle, I was surfing Baidu and I realized that that tee Kyu is wearing is actually bought by the fan who posted the pics! Wow she is sooo lucky! :)

liezle said...

hi again finkle. oh that was bought and given to kyu jong? wow! kyu jong is such a sweetie. J-Girl also mention in one of the comment boxes that the dolphin necklace he was wearing when they left Saturday morning to Japan is also a gift by a fan. Click HERE to view.


finkle said...

haha Kyu is really nice and sweet to use his fans' gifts showing his appreciation.. I think not many celebs would bother to do that..

wen0607 said...

Wow....kyu is really treasuring his fans' gifts....hope leader will too..... ^^

Susan said...

Kyu is sucha sweetie pie :) Thanks Liezle and Finkle for sharing!

Anonymous said...

magnae is spotting a new LV bag! heh heh...

J_Girl said...

I agree Kyu is such a sweetie! I think out of all members he's known to use most of the fan gifts..I've notified Izat (the fan that gave Kyu the dolphin necklace) about seeing a pic of him wearing the necklace on your site and she was soooooo HAPPY! Here's a link to her blog:

wen0607 said...

I think if i'm his fan, I will sure fainted....hahaha :P So nice of him to treasure hs fans' gifts~~>.<

sklet501 said...

junnie oppa is such hottie
cant help from smiling