
Monday, September 21, 2009

Missed them again on KBS World?

I understand that SDA was on air again on KBS World earlier. Some where able to watch it like spring ^^ few missed them again like me [I was watching 'Green Gold'].

Anyway, worry not because shirbogurl21 has it on her YT and I'm shoving it here. Never get tired of listening and watching them perform 'U R Man'.


  1. Belle9:52 PM

    Oh Liezle, I was lucky cause we've a holiday here and I watched it (>.<). Thanks for sharing and all your latest updates. I was here but didn't want to repeat what the rest had already posted. HJL in Family outing was hilarious. I share leader's phobia of the open sea so can totally relate with him LOL

  2. spring10:45 PM

    ohh.. liezle, i thought u watched last time during live one..hee...i missed that time cos of i was sleeping and forgot it...:D so this time i tried to catch...

    Thanks shirbogur21 for sharing in YT.. never bore to re watch again and again... one of my fav song U R MAN.. i was crazily clapping when they said take a break with popular song by SS501...lucky no one beside me..hehe..

    Good night Liezle.. see u around again..:-)

  3. Hello Belle. Gland that you were able to watch it this time.

    Thanks for dropping by.


  4. Hey there spring. Been reading all your comments and thank you. ^^

    I didn't watch online the last time because I didn't know that it'll be on KBS World too. Good thing though that SS501 portion was uploaded right away on YT. Thanks to internet ^^

    Btw, i'm sure you noticed the mic, that was so bad, right? The performance would have been perfect if not for the microphones. Oh, I love it when the fans keep on screaming when the boys always removed their coat half way. ^^


  5. hahaha i watched it this evening on the kbs world! hahaha...
    i just hooping from the chair when they boys come out n all of my family looking at me with a furious look and said 'wat's wrong with u???" hahaha.... n when they announce Hyun Joong oppa for the award...i keep smiling n grining in front of the guests that visiting my house for the eid celebration! haha they must think i'm crazy! ahahaha
    who cares right? this is the first time seeing them live on tv! haha
