
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

more photos of hyun joong from gimpo 09.16.09

Here are more photos of Hyun Joong from Gimpo airport from this afternoon's short media presscon that he gave following his arrival from Japan where he was confined in a hospital for A[H1N1.

These photos taken from Weolcheok that I lifted from SS601.comi think is much better from the ones we saw earlier from the media.

Can't help but notice that he look so good even without make up and his lips are red.


  1. quizzy9:21 PM

    ohh so sweet!even saying sorry, no need to say sorry leader! :)

    yeah liezle, he looks goood en without make up..:) really glad he's okay.. looking forward for more updates.. the boys should get together and rest! hehe

  2. liliya10:10 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. oppsie sorry liliya i accidentally deleted your comment.anyway, i decided to edit my post since Shirley's sub is already included in the vid she posted earlier.

    thanks... hee sorry again for accidentally deleting your post.


  4. liliya10:32 PM

    Don't worry about it. I am good.

  5. Agree! he is still looking good even without make up! And he looks better (health) now.

  6. Isn't he supposed to go directly to Jeju-do's nursing home to rest and check up? Why he went back to Seoul? Becasue of Hye Jung's accident? Is he worried?

  7. I have to agree with you liezle.

    It was impossible not to notice how handsome he looked in spite of his condition. He looks more manly without make-up and with a little stubble...

    You know... people... including myself usually use the word "pretty" than "handsome" to describe him :)

  8. Thanks for the post. I've been waiting anxiously for the news that HJ is finally being declared fit to return to Korea.
    I'm with aisling .. he's so pretty!! :)

  9. He has to take care of himself. He know himself better than anyone. Please be smart / healthy for the longer life. So glad he beat the flu. Need lots of rest dear!
    thanks for sharing sis!

  10. thanks alot for sahring this info..
    thank God that he ok now..
    he must take care of himself..
