
Sunday, September 06, 2009

photo of leader with the cast of BoF 09.06.09

The cast of 'Boys Over Flower' Premium Event. But Kim Bum is nowhere in this pic. ^_^

Leader kept his promise to his fans.

Goo Hye Sun, Kim Joon, Kim Hyun Joong & Lee Min Ho
[you may enlarge the photo]

Another photo with KHJ courtesy of Brokore

I hope that even though he's able to attend tonight's event DSP will still give him and the other members of SS501 a well deserve rest. I hope the DSP and Hyun Joong know that having relapse is even more difficult. DSP and Hyun Joong has to consider seriously his health.

DSP, Hyun Joong kepthis promise to his fans, I hope that you [DSP] will promise us that you will take care of SS501's health.

photo lifted from the post of pink fairy on Goo Hye Soo thread @ soompi

p.s. i think kim bum left early to go back to SK.

p.p.s. though leader attended tonight's event he didn't finish the program.

Regarding SS501 performance, I read on GHS thread @ soompi that they performed though it was not mentioned if Hyun Joong performed. Though I'm guessing that he did not. It could be only the sub-group [they have 2 songs in the OST] or they performed live with someone taking over the part of Leader. This i want to see on video. ^_^


  1. finkle8:51 PM

    Thanks for updating us so quickly! Mixed feelings right now, on one hand I am glad he din disappoint his fans, but on the other I hope his illness didnt get worse..

  2. Thanks so much for the quick update Liezle. I was so worried. I thought he missed the event and for him to miss that it means his condition has worsen. But still, DSP should give Leader a much needed rest as well as the boys. They had been traveling so much recently.

  3. finkle9:14 PM

    Hi Liezle,

    I was just attempting to surf the korean website and I saw this

    Is this the article that you have already translated about Leader being ill? All I can understand is the first 3 words of the title :S

  4. Hi Liezle! It seems this article is talking about Leader's condition and his performance in the event. As far as I can make out (using google) he had a cold, sore throat, and fever early this morning which you already translated. It says he opened the event and I guess you can make out the rest ...


  5. finkle, the news is basically the same except that it says that he didn't finish the event because of tha bad cold. not sure of the line about SS501.


  6. mel_122310:04 PM

    Ah Liezle,

    Leader sure didnt dissapoint his fans, but he looked so pale n weak at the photo, dont you think so.

    Really hoped he will be able to get well soon. Drink lots of water and try to rest well more. Argh, JM shld really take care of leader too,get him to drink and eat more ginseng herbal chicken soup.

  7. yeah.. I hope leader and the others get to have a good rest after this.
    Kim Bum was only in Japan for 4hrs where he has to head back to korea for a late nite filming..

  8. hello miyo, do you happen to know if SS501 performed?

    nicky, sorry i can't open the link you gave. my server is so slow again.

    mel, i hope that JM will do that. ^^


  9. spring10:07 PM

    ya.. u r right... leader keep his promise to his fans.. he attended it with his willpower and love to fans.. how can we not love him more?? hope DSP will give promise to take care SS501 health well and consider it first before plan for all schedules..

  10. finkle10:15 PM

    Oh ok thanks liezle! ya I wonder if he and ss501 performed in the end since he left early..

  11. Gosh! DSP needs to reschedule. This week's schedule is HORRIBLE! DVD+ MV filming+Fanmeetings THRICE!

    I know the contract is ending soon. But seriously DSP can't drain him like that, he's human being for heaven's sake!!!!

  12. It's okay Liezle, it's basically saying the same thing.

    Hope Leader and the boys will be given enough time to rest. Seems he is prone to get sick and DSP should pay more attention to their well being.

  13. Hi liezle,
    I read the report from BOF website that they did mentioned that SS501 performed. Though they didn't elaborate anything at all.

  14. wen060711:10 PM

    Haiz.I'm also worried about leader's condition~
    Hope he can have a good rest after the this BOF event.....

    Anyone can tell me where to watch the SDA online on friday?
    I would like to watch it on LIVE thru internet if can.........

    Miss to see leader again >.<

  15. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Hi miyo, can I have the link for the BOF website? Thanks!

  16. much thanks, miyo.

    anyway, probably the sub-group did since their song is included in the the OST of the drama. hmm, what about Jung Min? ^_^ hee, anyway, don't mind me...i've been searching high and low but couldn't get an answer to this nagging question. ^^

    thanks again.


  17. wen, yeah i hope someone will share with us the link on where to watch it online.

    i hope by then [friday] my server's speed is back to it's normal speed.


  18. hello Anonymous, i hope you don't mind me answering for miyo.

    this is brokore's webby :


  19. Anonymous11:27 PM

    I don't mind at all! Thank you liezle! =)

  20. Thanx liezle!
    Actually there's only one line mentioning it so I didn't translate the article. (^_^;)

  21. Thanks Liezle for the info...
    Actually I've been told that Baby Hyungjun was also infected by the virus...Is that TRUE?!

    Hope Leader can have a decent rest and get better soon!!

  22. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Hi R! OMG what is going on? Where did u get the news from? :(

  23. To Anonymous:

    My friend got the info from Korean fans...She said that's true but I'm not so sure...

  24. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Oh ok thanks! I guess there would be some confirmation news by tmr.. hope is nothing serious..

  25. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Thanks for updating the latest news on the boys. You're really quick. haha.

    I hope HJL will take care of his health and really really hope that the DSP will give all the boys some rest. They've been working rlly hard

  26. J_Girl3:59 AM

    I think it was raining a lot when they were filming in Malaysia so leader might have gotten sick from being out in the rain..I really hope he takes care of himself and gets a chance to rest for atleast a day or 2 before doing the next activity!

  27. Thanks liezle for your hard work, your blog's kinda treasure to me :)

    I really don't know what else to say about DSP. It makes me angry just to think about how they treat our boys.

    But I have a question to ask - isn't leader supposed to participate in SDA event along with other F4 boys on 7th September? I'm scared just thinking about how his condition could worsen :(

  28. Anonymous9:14 AM

    tsk,tsk,tsk, HJL's got the bug, eh? and what's more HJB has it too? aigoo, DSP wake up! these 5 men bring you BIG money, they put food in your mouths, you oughta take care of them and their health and not make them over fatigue...

    ...SS501 does not have to prove themselves anymore because whatever they do or not do will still sell and make news!

    on a personal level, i really pray that HJL and all members are in the best of health always and if he (HJL) could possibly see a specialist because there is something buggin me about his fainting spells, seriously... (A)

  29. punygreenpea9:52 AM

    i rather see them healthier and happier performing rather than looking ill and sick.


    Take good care my dear boys! *PRAYS*

  30. liliya9:58 AM

    As far as I know, leader will attend the Seoul Award event on Sep.11; another in Shenyang, China on Sep. 13 for the next week.

    Wish leader a sooner, fully recover!

  31. hmmm.... let's hope the boys are ok, resting well, before they move on again.

    Let's break away from those "gloomy" news and watch a clip on Leader shooting for the SOFF photobook.

    Credit to WWloveHJ@youtube.


  32. bad cold with fever and sore throat
    leader condition was not good since comeback from Malaysia...
    i agree with J_Girl , too much raining nowadays in Malaysia
    the symptoms really worry me
    i really...really hope it just the normal fever
    hope he quickly go for medical checkup

  33. hello1:16 PM

    I think this article mentions about Hyun Joong performing his solo songs...

  34. Liezle,

    Leader is back to seoul at 11am today. I can't post much since I m at work. More details check my blog.


