
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Q&A with Bae Yong Joon 09.22.09

I’ve been blogging so much about SS501 lately and very few times I’ve blogged about Bae Yong Joon. I know that most of my visitors now are young who doesn’t even know Bae Yong Joon or who doesn’t care who this Hallyu Star is.

Regardless whether you know him or not, whether you like him or not, I wish that you will spend a few minutes of your time to read the Q&A portion at the press conference of Bae Yong Joon yesterday for his book ‘Beauty of Korea’. Know a little of Bae Yong Joon, it won’t hurt.

BYJ Press Conference Q&A
Korean to English translation by Gaulsan
Posted on BYJ’s Quilt

BYJ Greetings :

I am Bae Yong Joon.
Thank you very much for attending this meeting.
This is my first press meeting for publishing a book, and I feel embarrassed, nervous, and happy at the same time.
I hope you consider the book that I will introduce you as my record as a beginner of studying Korean culture, not as a book specializing in culture.


- I heard that you fell ill with sepsis. How is your present condition?
▲ I am sorry to make everyone worry. I am getting well, and I received much power after meeting the masters today.

- Would you tell us how you feel after writing your book?
▲ There are many reasons that made me write this book. In an interview I had in Japan, I was asked to introduce places of note in Korea. I was ashamed because I couldn't give good answer to that question. Also, when I met my Family coming to see me working at the shooting site, I felt sorry for them because they spend most of their time at the shooting site, and I hoped to introduce them good places to enjoy.

At first, I planned to introduce celebrated localities and good restaurants, but I change my mind. I thought that if I introduce Korean culture, how Koreans feel and express themselves, it would help people notice the deeper meaning of things otherwise they won't notice when visiting the same place.

It was a hard work to write this book, but thanks to the support of these masters, I could finish writing. I am thankful that I managed to finish this book without trouble.

- Did you write this all by yourself?
(Smiling) I wrote it by myself.

- How did you choose the themes?
▲ There are 13 themes, and I chose some from things I was always interested, and some were introduced by others. My journey to meet and interview the masters were arranged like riding on a flow of water. Through books, newspapers, and through acquaintance... I met one master and then another. I thought 'this might be what is called karma'.

- How much are you satisfied with your book?
▲ I am not satisfied. Whenever I feel not satisfied, I say to myself I could do better next time. The most difficult part of writing this book was meeting the deadline. It was really hard to write in time. (Like other people,) I couldn't speed up my writing till the last moment (laugh). Because the entire process was delayed, the editing staffs had to work very hard. I would like to say here that I am sorry and thankful for their help.

- Are you planning to write another book?

▲ I think it is time to plan for another drama (or movie) than a book. I feel very sorry to my Family for my long absence. However, writing a book is a very interesting process. If I write another book, I will introduce celebrated localities and good restaurants, which has more photographs and less words(laugh).

- Where was the most impressive pIace?
▲ There are so many good pIaces that it is difficult to choose one. However, Hwangryongsa-ji of Kyungju was the most impressive pIace. There is nothing left there and we can't see a thing. I don't know why, but that pIace made me immerse in deep thought. When I returned home, I thought 'maybe I missed something. I must visit there again.' It was such a pIace.

[ Hwangryongsa-ji is a pIace that there was a temple named Hwangryongsa.
It was built in 554AD in Shilla dynasty. It was destroyed when the Mongolia invaded and put fire on it in 13th century. There is no building left, and only stones that supported columns are remained to show us how large that temple was. It is the pIace that appears at the front cover of YJ's book. ]

- Among various things you've experienced, what would you like to continue doing?
▲ I would like to become a farmer. I want to step on the ground and touch soil. I think I will feel happy to plant and harvest things and share healthy food with others. I've learned many other things and I want to do them, too, but if I am to write one more line in my curriculum vitae, I would like to add that I am a farmer.

- What is your next plan?
▲ I will never become a singer. I can't sing well. If you visit me when I become a farmer, then maybe I could sing you a song. There will be no BYJ as a writer if there is no BYJ as an actor.

- Why did you fall ill? Would you give your message to your fans?
▲ The largest problem was losing weight. When I once asked someone about losing weight, he said, if I write a book once more, then I will gain weight.

I think my body got weak because I lost too much weight, and that's why I had to get hospitalized. I am now recovering. I am basically a healthy person, so I will recover soon. I am sorry to make my Family and my parents worry.

- Is there anything discontented with your work?
▲ I've studied really heard, but many things are discontented. I regret that I was short of time. The most regretful thing is, there is a flaw in my writing. In page 257 at the second bottom line, it is written 'western tower'. It should be 'eastern tower'. I am sorry.

There are many defects in my book, but I hope this could be a companion of your journey to explore Korea.

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