
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

a quick one...

I'm kinda busy now but I do check from time to time...

Hmm, so far nothing much except for this news that Mariposa sent me.

Hyun Joong will arrive at Kimpo at 2pm. Probably from Kimpo he will take another flight to Jeju. Let's wait for the translated article which I'm pretty sure will be out later.

Berofe I go let me share again few more photos of from the sub group's trip to Shenyang. Again thanks to Mariposa and to the original source of these photos.

This one is super random ^_^ Just would like to tease all those who adore Jung Min.

You may enlarge the photo. ^_^


  1. mel_122310:06 AM

    OMG Liezle,

    I hate tons of work today, and told myself just to come in here for a final peek this morning first before concentrating full day being 'serious' at work.

    NOW, looks like i m gona get brain dead at work! Wuahahaha

    Omg omg omg, the last pic of JM is such a teeeaaaaassseeeee!!!!!!!

    Liezle!!!!!!! Arrggggh! Arggggghhh!!!

    How can I work now....wuahahahaha I M SOOO DEAD at that pic (Oh dear I am blushing here too...!)

    Ok, calm down, breath...inhale...exhale.........

    Oh dear oh dear!

    Lieezle! wuahaha

  2. Thanx for the last pic, liezle..
    But emm... I'm more attracted to the one beside Jung Min.. XD
    My attention landed on him first before moving to Jung Min.. opps.. (^_^;)

  3. wen060711:47 AM

    Haha...miyo, same here ^^
    Give me a FIVE! hehe :P

  4. Anonymous12:08 PM

    me to wen0607 and attention was on the one beside JM before I scan him (although that's the first time I saw JM showing some skin.ha..ha.ha)...muaaaahhh..miss KHJ so much...get better ok..wwe are going to wait for you...

  5. Anonymous12:21 PM

    hehehe sorry girls,but my eyes where directly to jung min all the way :P

    he is so sexy

  6. Anonymous2:19 PM

    daaanggg the JM pic. killer. LOL

  7. quizzy5:45 PM

    oh mal is sizzling hot in this pic!! haha.. seductive!!! haha:)

  8. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Omo, the last pic!!! Can I ask if you have the full pic??? Thanks!!!

  9. Anonymous12:15 AM

    omo!!!!!!!!!!! where does this pic came out from?, i have seen so many pics of minnie and never seen this one before..............

    this pic is such a teaseeeeeeeeeeeee

    omg jung min loooooooookssssssssssssss incrediiiiible hotttttttt

    i almost fainted :O

  10. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Liezle, I know you love Mal because he always is super friendly to his fans and he always say he has a sexy charisma, but i never really pay attention to his "so called" sexiness until this picture...dang it! i fell off of my chair, girl!!.. he IS oozing with hotness in this shot...such a tease showing us his underpants...tsktsktsk...naughty,naughty Mal (A)

  11. Hmmmmmmm.. speechless*&^%^&$#@%%

  12. Anonymous1:32 PM

    ohhhhh jung min hottieeeeeee :O
