
Friday, September 18, 2009

Slow Friday in SS501 front

Yay, I went out the whole afternoon then had dinner with my mom and got home three hours ago. I checked the usual sites I visit regularly and found out that nothing much still on any of the sites. It is so quiet in SS501 front. It's another one of those SS501 holiday and I think this will going to be a bit longer.

Oh yeah, though we're having a bit of a SS501 holiday, one member of SS501 though is working hard. Maknae went on air at 2am today for his Music High on SBS. Likewise, i read that he had posted replies on UFO. Seems like he's not only busy but also keeping in touch withe the fans.

Btw, I guess, you've heard/read of the October 10 appearance of SS501 in Top 10 Big Concert in Daegu World Cup Stadium. But prior to this it was reported [though no confirmation yet from DSP] that they will also be performing on October 6 for the 11th Korea China Friendship Concert to be held at Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center Grand Theater in China.

Once October comes in, it looks like SS501 will again be on the go. Geez, I hear some protests about them having another tight schedule when leader has just recovered. Yeah we know that, but we also have to know and understand that the boys have an obligation to fulfill. Let's just pray that they will be in good health for the rest of their activities.

Before I go [I'll hit the sack early and take this SS501 'holiday' to sleep ealry than usual], let me post this GIF made by Darling that I saw on posted by 동그라미○ .

I'm sure when you saw the video that I posted HERE where this GIF was taken, most of you [including me since the vid was too fast] wondering who this member is, right? Alright, let us see and check the answer below.

please do not hotlink GIF

According to it's...
Heo Young Saeng diving with flippers, life jacket and goggles.

P.S. I read in one of the comments that the link for YT where all members performed 'U R Man' in Inkigayo on 01.04.09 no longer works. And the visitor [sorry forgot your nick] is looking for downloadable link. Alright, I'll try to upload it on megaupload tomorrow [i hope i won't forget], k?

P.P.S. I've read all the comments and thank you once again guys for all the sharing, your appreciation and praises. You made me ^__^.

TGIF! Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Go ahead Liezle, you also deserve to have a "holiday" just like our anticipating and looking forward to more pics/vid/info/updates on each and if possible all SS501 members in the nearest future especially these coming months...their schedule "might" be jam-packed (i.e. if the members health and safety allows them to). I just hope and pray like every Triple S that each member will be in their best of health, safe and happy so they could bring us happiness as well...SS501 fighting!! (A)

  2. it's young saeng?
    i thought jung min when it comes to covered everything....hehehe...

    i think they also prepare for eid day celebration...hehe (just kidding...hehe)

  3. hi liezle..thanks for the update in ur blog..nweys...pls help ss501 in ipoll..the deadline is tomorow... TS vs. ELF.. ss501 vs suju. here's the site.. thanks...

  4. finkle9:41 AM

    Hi Liezle, it has only been 1 day without their news or pics but I am suffering from ss501 withdrawal symptons already :( hope that some news or pics about what they are currently doing would come out soon (like today!).. anyway meanwhile have a great weekend too!!!

  5. Anonymous12:55 PM

    ahhh, can you please upload on another site? maybe mediafire? cos i can never download from megaupload. ):

    hope you had good dreams. (:

  6. Hi. Always read your blog but its my first time to make a comment. Really appreciate all your updates. I've also been looking for a downloadable link for the 01.04.09 "U R Man" Inkigayo performance for the longest time. Please, please provide the link. Many thanks in advance. Also would it be too much to ask for a download link for Hyun Joong's "Please be nice to me" performance -- the one that's 8 minutes long. I'm not sure if it was during the Seoul or Japan Persona concert. Would dearly love to add that to my collection. Kamsahamnida!

  7. hello liezle, i'm pretty new to SS501. Can u pls enlighten me wat website is UFO? d boys will leave message there personally? Tks alot for ur kind advise! =)
