
Tuesday, September 01, 2009

SS501 in Kota Kinabalu

Report from says that SS501 is in Kota Kinabalu to shoot their DVD for their upcoming 2nd All Korean album.

In the said report, boys will be in Kota Kinabalu until the 3rd [I thought they will be in KL too for the autograph signing?]. The boys are staying at Gayann Resort, a place famour for its corals and marine lives.

If there is someone who can share the news from imbc, we will appreciate it very much. ^^

p.s. I just read that delay for the release of the 2nd Korean Album in September 17 is possible. It could be September 27 or 28 according to Leader when asked during the Tony Mony event last Friday.

Honestly, we can't do anything if it's going to be delayed. No use in getting mad or cursing DSP. I'm pretty sure they also do not want this to happen but as it is things have to happen for several reasons. Besides this is not the first thing that it happened.

So, instead of hurrying them up and getting stress let's just give them more cheers so that they'll work even harder. ^_^

p.p.s. I'm sad right now, I cannot log on to soompi. I can access the unprotected threads but not the protected ones which is more important to me. I've already sent a complain at their feedback section but they can't seem to find the problem...huhuhuhuhu. I even got this message from them... 'WOW, you have a lot of posts on soompi O__0'


  1. mel_122311:12 AM

    Hi Liezle!

    I just heard of the news this morning only, oh now the boys seems so near yet so far, KK is in the east coast, around 2.5hours flight time fr KL.

    So, i supposed this is the in-transit thingy about, cos they need to fly to KL fr KK before going bck to Seoul then!

    Oh dear, excited excited..and yippee, it seems that their 2nd albu DVD will have scenes from KK ^^!

  2. wen060711:27 AM

    So mel, are you flying over to Kota Kinabalu to see them?
    Haha~~ :P
    Ya~ its so near and yet so far....T.T
    To you gals, should be no problem^^
    I think its really hard for me to travel from singapore to Kota Kinabalu~

    Liezle, heard the autographes session is only 1 hour so dun think its affected~ I'm not sure
    Just wait for the announcement today~ ^^

  3. fimkle8812:02 PM

    Hi Liezle, I trying not to be pissed but seriously DSP is being irritating and irresponsible.. ha but what to do.. i will just wait patiently (try to at least) :S

  4. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Now I wish I have more money to go to KK instantly. :|

  5. wen060712:18 PM

    Hi liezle

    What happened to you?
    You cant logon to soompi?
    Are you refering to the Hyun Joong's thread?

  6. Hi mel! are you going on thursday? Oppsie, i think you've answered that already in one of your comments.


  7. hi wendy. one hour only? i have read details yet of the autograph signing, do you know? care to share?


  8. hi finkle. hee, a little more patient i guess won't hurt. never mind DSP let's do it for the boys since we know they're working hard for this album for us. ^^


  9. hi ilaizaiah. i think that's everyone's wish just to be near the boys. ^^


  10. hi again wen. i can go to the main page of soompi but whenever i log in it won't accept my email and password. i've deleted cookies and caches and even my history but it's still not working. i hope they're doing something about it. like i said, i can go to all the threads except the protected ones and that includes going to k drama and movies, k celeb photos. i can go to k music but only as a guest not a member which me i can only read.

    darn! it is so frustrating. i think this only here at work. the site is not blocked by IT otherwise i won't access it, the beta soompi i think still has lots of glitches. i hope they fix it soon otherwise 10 hrs a day at work i won't be able to access soompi... =(

    geez, can't wait to go home now.


  11. wen06071:15 PM

    Hey liezle

    My korean friend did called DSP this morning~
    That's what she told me, she said DSP can only confirm the news with us in the late noon (around 5pm korean time)
    They heard that if there's autographes session, its only given 1 hour, so I think if its true, it will be very rushed and maybe each fan can entitle 1 signature from either one of the members...
    Anyway, just wait till the news to confirm in this late noon...

  12. wen06071:19 PM

    Oh liezle, sorry to hear that~
    Actually frnakly speaking, I also face problem in soompi when I login~
    I can understand your feeling right now~~
    So far, there's no update in soompi~
    Hope you can resolve your problem asap~

  13. hi wen. i just got word from soopin that they can't do anything right now because we are using old browser here at work IE6. But what's really weird is that I was able access soompi last Friday. I'm really really sad right now. Hee, and they're even asking me to ask our IT to change my browser. As if it can be that easy to ask out IT to change the company's browser.

    Sigh... what to do?


    p.s. thanks for the details about the signing event. well, i guess if many will attend then it's most likely that they'll only get one autograph from one member. better than nothing at all.


  14. guess it makes sense for them to do a fm whilst they're in mys.
    i'm sure fm will be conducted in english. so least the boys can hold some decent conversation with fans.
    i wanna go...but cant get away from work this week! boohoohoo!:( was looking forward to attend at least one fm.
    oh it's such a short notice for triple s residing around and in mys

  15. wen06071:43 PM

    Hi liezle

    Its realy weird~ you said that you still could access in last friday in office.... now you can't?
    Maybe your office IT did something to your browser during weekends?
    Do you have your own laptop?
    Why not bring it to work? You can use it during lunch time....
    I think this is the only way you can do for the time being...

    Just curious, if the signing event time is so rushing, only an hour, each fan can get 1 signature from one of the members, whats if everyone choose to have leader's one, it will be jammed.... :P

    I'm sure there are also Jung Min, Kyu Jong and Young Saeng fans around....

  16. wen, i don't think our IT did something since like i said i can still access soompi but not as a member but as a guest. if out IT blocked it i wouldn't be able to access it at all.

    about the signing event i'm pretty sure if that'll be the case someone will do the traffic and fans won't a choice but to follow. since i'm certain DSP wouldn't want other members feeling sad if only few are queueing up on them.

  17. finkle881:53 PM

    I am sure each of the boys have many fans so shouldn't be a problem :)

    Sorry to hear about ure prob liezle, hope it would be resolved soon :)

  18. wen06071:58 PM

    Liezle, just keep our finger crossed then!
    Ya~ hopefully everything will go on smoothly for the members^^

    You dun have to be upset, maybe its just temporarily, try it again or restart your computer....
    Sure you able to access the page you want.... ^^

  19. Liezle,
    try getting into your profile and click on forum activity. You will be able to access the thread from there. hope that helps.

  20. hi Marites thank you so much. I was able to get in my profile by when i clicked on forum activity i got an IP Driver Error. I sent a screencap to soompi's tech so i hope from that error message they'll be able to find the problem.

    It's really weird when I didn't have any problem browsing soompi last week. And if it's really IE that is the problem then i don't think i can even browse the forum even as a guest, right?


  21. Who is going there? Maybe can meet and go together?

  22. alphabeta11:34 PM

    the signing will be held at One World Hotel at Petaling Jaya at 3pm. Thats what I saw in one of the youtube....

    I wish I could fly but their location at the resort/ island kind of long journey.... Just wish they will come over to Singapore for signing and fan meeting.

  23. Anonymous1:02 AM

    im in kk right now, yet i cant reach them.. sigh~
    maybe i'll wait in the airport for departure.. haha.. but that means i'll have to skip my classes on thurs... boohoo~

  24. maomao1:31 AM

    huhu,, im in KK, but i haven't seen them anywhere... im not sure about the location of the resort, as i think its located in one of the island here, not in the mainland... haiz.. hope to see them in KKIA b4 they head to KL!! wish me luck...

  25. alphabeta thanks for the info.

    kunaunnie it'll be a hard choice. ^^

    maomao, good luck to you!

    to everyone going again enjoy!


  26. O.o" me even worse ... but jz now bout this yesterday 1st Sept..huhu
    If not me and my friend already at KKIA to stalk them...
    But I guess they take a direct flight from Korea to Sabah and I know their ETA is around 6 or 7 am.. 12am from Korea.
    and yes they at one of Tunku Abd Rahman Islan. Gaya Island... huhu
    one of my friend's friend work there.. TT^TT lucky her..

    KL-rian dont be sad... Fan meeting already confirm on this coming Thursday (3rd sept)6.00pm at One World Hotel at KL.
    so Fighting!! ^^
    more detail bout the fan meeting at (wawa eonni~ I'm promoting ur site hahha)

  27. maomao10:29 AM

    but then any1 knows what time will they took the flight to KL???
