
Saturday, September 05, 2009

[Trans] Article from SinChew News

After the photos, videos now come the articles.

Here's an articles translated [roughly] by finkle88 and shared on SS501 thread @ soompi. Thanks finkle, i know you wouldn't mind me sharing this here.

This article is somehow similar to the one posted by Panda Brenda HERE, though there are some parts that are not in the earlier translation of Brenda. I have highlighted those parts for them to be distinguished.

I'm shoving in this article the photos that mailene posted on khj thread @ soompi to decorate this page. ^^ According to mailene the photo below was lifted from Baidu.

NOTE : When re-posting please give proper credit.

Article ONE on Malaysia Fan Sign
Source : sinchew news
2009-09-04 18:45

Chinese to English translation by finkle88 on SS501 thread @ soompi
Photo from Baidu provided by marvie_carl on khj thread @ soompi


Korean popular boyband SS501's whirlwind visit to Malaysia, fans' level of craziness is shocking! Fans not only started qing at 7am at the hotel, but also lost control and started crying after successfully obtaining their idols' signatures. Because Warner Music Malaysia only managed to obtain the rights for distribution of the Taiwan albums at the last minute, and only managed to import from TW 1000 copies, as a result, only those who bought the album could get to meet the boys and get their autograph. Hundreds of fans were left outside the door beacuse they could not buy the albums.

Chaos at the Venue

Although ss501 has only been together for 4 years, but their popularity overseas has recently increased, and Leader's BOF and WGM is also popular overseas, and Leader is becoming the new generation Hallyu star, which has led to many overseas fans getting to know SS501 as a group.

The 5 went to Kota Kinabalu to film a DVD on Mon, and before returning back to Seoul, they took 5 hrs to meet the Malaysian media and fans.

The Press Con and Fan Sign were at the same venue. Although fans entered the fan sign venue in batches, but the planning and security was poor, causing chaos. The organizer was worried that because there were too many fans, the fan sign would not be able to end by 8 and cause the boys to miss their flight. To control the time, they changed the system at the last minute, that each album only 1 signature, and each person only 1 album. This last minute change made fans who bought multiple albums unhappy, but there were some who managed to get multiple signatures, and when the organizer found out, they asked the fans to follow the rules or else they would stop the whole fan sign.

Although some fans were not able to get all 5 signatures, but to be able to see the boys still made the fans happy.

This is the first time that SS501 is in Malaysia, but they learnt some Malay words, including 'apa khabar' to greet the Malaysian media.

Baby quiet off-stage

Leader started doodling and drawing the moment he entered the venue. It turned out that it is the first time he saw an ape which was an unforgettable experience for him, so he wanted to draw it as a momento. Jung Min drew an eye of a girl. Joking, he said that he saw a female's reporter eye, but the other eye was covered by her hair, that feels very charming (?).' [liezle : see drawing of JM below]

At the PressCon the MC asked who is the most different off and on screen. Baby was unanimously voted the winner by the boys. He looked puzzled and said, 'I don't understand why it is me? Actually I am only being my natural self!'

Young Saeng revealed, 'Baby in front of the camera can be really lively and noisy, but off-cam, he has like no energy'.


Article TWO on Malaysia Fan Sign
Source : sinchew news
2009-09-04 18:45

Chinese to English translation by finkle88 on SS501 thread @ soompi
Photo from Baidu provided by marvie_carl on khj thread @ soompi


SS501 is now actively attacking the overseas market, as though they are taking a leaf out of DBSK's book (finkle : ah I not sure how to translate this part). Admist rumours of DBSK disbandmnet, SS501, whose popularity is rapidly on the rise and which is achieving good results, has the chance to fill in the gap by this 'Heavenly group's' disbandment. But the boys declined to comment on this, stating that their image and dance style's are completely different.

(The next para is simlar to the top so I won't translate)

SS501 said that they hoped that people would continue to support Korean groups. Their manager then said this question is too difficult, and the artistes only want to focus on their acting and singing, and so declined to further discuss this topic.

Not eliminating the idea of having a Malaysia concert

SS501 is currently in the midst of their Asia tour, and other than Japan and Korea, the 3rd stop is TW in Oct, with other stops including Bangkok, Shangai, Singapore, Beijing etc, while there are plans for the Malaysia stop to be at the end of Dec or start of Jan. JM said, 'If the response is good, we will come earlier!' The boys also said that the performances at the Malysia concert would be similar to that in Japan, but they would perform their new songs with the release of their new album.

Because the boys have many Chinese fans in Asia, many have asked them to sing Chinese songs, and they are not eliminating the possibility of this, but waiting for their company to plan.

The boys revealed that for their new album, they would be showing a more mature manly side to them, and hope this would give people a refreshing feeling.

Leader has had a sterling performance in drama, which seems to have overshadowed the other 4. But Kyu Jong said that the 5 have been successful in their respective fields in musical, singing and drama, and they would each have a chance to act in dramas in the future. Currently have received a few drama offers. Next year, their focus would be on singing and drama.

p.s. this is the drawing of Jung Min. Thanks to wawa@ for sharing and xaxa for the tip!

I bet Warner Music ended up paying for the table cloth that Jung Min used to draw this.

p.p.s. here are few more photos from the articles above.


  1. Jay-an6:04 AM

    awww..HJL so cute..first time seeing an ape..hasn't he been in any zoo before? hahaha! oh well..he's still adorable..taking his time to draw the its memorable to him.. must be enjoying it alot..'s ona dn off screen nice! LOL

  2. Jay-an6:05 AM

    typo at the end.."ON and OFF screen dilemma.."

  3. mailene6:06 AM

    sis, thanks for the updates. btw, just letting you know that its not me who posted the pictures. it was marvie, so please credit her. hehehe

  4. Hi Liezle, just want to share this one interesting photo taken during the Malaysia fan signing event. it is Jung Min piece of art. he is good in drawing, so very creative. haha.. (credit to wawa@

  5. hello Jay-an thanks for dropping by. i can picture leader's face when he saw the ape. ^^


  6. mailene, thanks i've corrected my entry.

    xaxa, you're heaven sent. been looking for that. ^^ hmm, i wonder who got to have the table cloth?



  7. spring10:00 AM

    this is really a lot to read... i close comp early last night.. didnt think i will miss out this many..
    thanks again for all these translation news.. get to know what are they doing in conference.

  8. Liezle, u r welcome. And now I really hoping to see Leader's ape drawing. Hope it will surface soon. ^^

  9. wen06071:43 PM

    Wow..... all very nice captures....thanks liezle and all the contributors~ ^^
    Love all the photos! >.<

  10. quizzy2:53 PM

    haha.. love the photos!..:) leader's first time to see an ape.. haha.. cool.. and funny..

    but it cant be compared to mal's drawing in a table cloth!!!! waaaaahhh!!! y did he even draw it on the table cloth!! haha!! naughty mal!!

    thanks liezle!

  11. question : Did the boys get the tag from TS Malaysia??
    Coz..u guys making the tag to give to the boys right??
