
Monday, September 21, 2009

Witty Hyun Joong

Found this interesting article that cagali shared on her blog. Since we are still waiting for the English subs on the part of Leader and Hyori, I thought of shoving this here for a little teaser of what's the convo between Leader and Hyori about.

I hope cagali won't mind me shoving this here. If you want o read more you may visit cagali/SS501UFO blog.


[News] Kim HyunJoong participated in 'Family Outing', showing his excellent skills

Credit: + (English translation)

Please repost to with full credit.

Korea popular group SS501's Kim HyunJoong participated in SBS variety show 'Family Outing' showing his excellent skills. This episode received wide attention due to the appearance of Kim HyunJoong who was diagnose with AH1N1 in Japan early this month.

In the program, there was a special dating moment for Kim HyunJoong and Lee Hyori picking vegetable together. On their way, while chatting with Lee Hyori and found out that he stepped on feces, Kim HyunJoong said: "Last time when noona and I were in the same management company, there was once we had to take the same car with Fin.K.L, when going up the car, I also accidentally stepped on shit."

Lee Hyori said: "Is it? No wonder, during that time there was definitely some unpleasant smell." Follow by that, Kim HyunJoong said: "Once I met noona, I will step on feces." When he noticed that she was not very happy about that, he added: "Stepping on feces will bring good luck!" showing his wits in reacting to situation.

On the other hand, absent due to his accident, BigBang member DaeSung, during his telephone conversation with Kim HyunJoong said: "I originally wanted to have a competition with Kim HyunJoong based on our looks." His words had caused all family members to convulse with laughters.

SBS will broadcast the continuation of Kim HyunJoong in 'Family Outing' on 27 Sept 2009.


  1. spring8:23 PM HJL also said "stepping on feces will bring good luck"...
    such a coincident as we was talking about it just few days ago in jen Malaysia site cos mel stepped dog poo then next day she got invited to date ph call with DJ Young from KPOP Zone Airaing radio...haha.. we all wishing and finding any animal poo now to step it...heee...
    sorry..i suddenly bring out it..this HJ talk really make me refresh our funny talk, it is already proven that if you step on feces, you r in good luck..wahahaha... so leader, we have same thinking lol...heee..:)

    Thanks liezle and SS501UFO blog.. i visited her blog too.. just that i can't leave comment cos i do not open any account.. Thanks SS501UFO blog from here too..:D

  2. Andydandy8:48 PM

    I miss HJL and his 4D-ness. :(

  3. spring, funny how i only get to know about this stepping on a poop lucky. ^^

    btw, i read about mel's date with DJ Young. so lucky! first it was Jen then mel. I think I should give this a try. ^^


    btw, hi there Andydandy. few more days and you'll get to see HJL's 4dness again.
