
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Young Saeng fancam at Incheon 09.13.09

Hey shirbogurl21 thanks for the fast upload!

Here are 2 more videos capturing Young Saeng at Incheon early today to catch their flight going to Shenyang, China.

Much much thanks to rmdkdl and Best YS.

p.s. the boys safely arrived in Shenyang about 1 1/2 or 2 hours ago. there were about 100 fans who greeted them. they were very organized. the competition they're attending started at 2pm so probably the boys are already getting ready. probably later we'll get more news, videos and photos from shenyang. thanks for shirley for the information.


  1. cloud0_o3:04 PM

    ^^i think tis is the 1st time i m leaving a comment here. thanks for sharing the vids. The 1st vid where the 3 of them walked into the airport is totally awesome, they looks so gd. loves kyu's dressing, so cute and boyish. =))

  2. finkle4:04 PM

    Hi liezle thanks so much for the updates.. looking forward to their fancams :)

    Anyway I saw on the soompi thread that blackclip said that stated that HJL has left hospital, but she can't read korean so she not sure.. I was wondering if you could check it out? :) really hope is true!! haha thanks a lot! :)

  3. hi finkle. yes it's in SS601. a link to the radio where it was mentioned was posted but i couldn't listen to it. it seems that he left the hospital yesterday and resting somewhere.


  4. spring4:55 PM

    hope we will hear from DSP update news soon.. miss leader so much so much.. so, i am re watching old vid today.. wish this is true and he can rest at home now...

  5. Andydandy6:02 PM

    I miss Hyun Joong :(
    Wait, wait, I read from Hurmutube's blog that Hyun Joong will stay in Japan 'till the 13th ONLY?
    Is this true??

    Imma see him again ♥

  6. hello Andydanday.

    not sure since there are several reports that came out. hopefully DSP will release a notice tomorrow.
