
Monday, October 26, 2009

and still more videos ^^

So much videos to watch and they keep on coming. ^_^

Heaps of thanks again to Shirley for providing all these on her YT channel and to all those who took them and unselfishly sharing to us.

They're so gorgeous. I can't get enough of them. It seems like the more I see them the more I crave for them. They're so addictive.

There will be more in the coming days for sure since SS501 will be guesting in more shows.

note from shirley : from ss601 this one doesnt have tag so i just cr ss601
love like this (hjl focus)

only one day (the rest isnt focus on any of the members)


green pea


  1. hehehe.. it's Jung Min's turn to be transparent...
    Liezle, you are drooling in the office? =p

  2. gosh...i just realized Young Saeng is transparent too in another video... need to go for blood transfusion.... LOLx

  3. SSsufi2:42 PM

    hahaha. it was funny when hyung jun helped jungmin to touch up his hair then all the fans went crazy. ^_^

  4. Anonymous4:44 PM leader wearing a dress?

  5. yes. im a little concerned with that top that hyun joong is wearing. it looks like a dress =)

  6. Anonymous8:47 AM

    can someone translate the intterview so that we understand it.
