
Thursday, October 22, 2009

attention stealer...

Saw another set of photos from the Persona in Taiwan posted on Thanks to
♥ Mint Angel five O one.TW capturing the following photos especially photos #7 onwards. Can you guess without scrolling down yet why I looooove those pictures? ^_^

Oh dear, look at those thighs of Jung Min.

This one too! Jung Min's thighs makes me crazy.

Omo! What is he doing?


I love all the members on this picture
but Jung Min's legs and rear
are stealing my attention.

Love how his pants is hugging his thighs.



  1. mel_122312:12 AM

    Hehe Liezle,

    My eyes were also on JM's butt n thighs the whole time especially when they standing at the middle cross there.. cos we can only see the boys' butts from our section then.. JM's pants were really the tightest among all boys and his butt n thigh looked so damn good there!

    He is digging into his pocket behind to take out the piece of note which he probably romanized the mandarin in hangul for him to talk..he is realy so damn cute and sexy! gosh!

  2. not do i only find jungmin is sexy and cute..i think liezle is also v cute with ur expression..haha
    it makes me laughed...seriously u are showing ur DEEP LOVE with jungminnie's thigh and butt..haha

  3. haha..
    i know when theres jm's pics u'll staring at those parts..
    u r really IN LOVE with jm..

  4. Anonymous5:34 PM

    guys, dont forget to vote for ss501 in the Music awards they're nominated for two categories, one of the categories is under number 5, the other i can't remember..
    please, let's vote for them
    and heres the link.
