
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

jung min spazzzz from the incheon global fair and festival

I've been waiting for these photos. ^_^ Much thanks to Shirely for providing me the images to post.

Geez Shirley, you should be sleeping by now, it's already morning in your side of the world and you're still looking for SS501 stuffs. It's not good for your health [hee, as if i'm not like you staying up until wee hours in the morning].

Much thanks again to for sharing these wonderful photos of Jung Min.

And the following are photos from the MV shooting that came from


  1. shirbo6:58 PM

    still up...just checkin ur blog before i head to bed for 3.5 hrs!! of course i had to find mal for mel before i go sleep!! hehe will be up early to post videos again!! night~~

  2. quizzy7:03 PM

    weee.. thanks for sharing mal's pics... ahh he so so so cuteeeee!! hehe

  3. Liezle ! Could you ask Ji yeon to help me do the translations ?

    For the song green pea.
    For the starting and the endings.
    There are some things the boys said.
    Like at the end, i hear jungmin speaking in the end.

    Haha. I'm wondering.


  4. Anonymous9:22 PM

    heyhey! i was wondering if you knew when's the full mv coming out?? coz they seem to mention nth about the mv O_o
    anw, thanks for the hq pics! (:

  5. JM's smile and laughter can brighten the day.... *dreaming*

  6. Liezle and Shirley, Thank you for uploading/finding the pictures of sexy charisma Jungminnie ;) Love this set of photos of him, looking as good as ever always! Thanks!

  7. shirbo11:36 PM

    Eunice: i dont think they said anything in the beginning of the song. Right before chorus, kyu jong said "3,2,1 Go". in the end, jung min said "good job good job".

  8. mel_122312:23 AM

    LovE LovE LovE LovE LovE Mal Like THIS!


    No other words are required. :)

  9. Anonymous4:57 AM

    pheromin takes good pictures!!

    really nice pictures. loving them! wonder what camera they use.. wah i want that camera so that i can take nice pictures of the boys when i next see them too!

  10. Cute, cute, cute smile. Hope I can get close to him on HK concert.
    Thanks shirley and liezle for sharing!

  11. mel_12232:43 PM

    AH Dearie SHIRLEY!! I just only notices your first comment up there! I was so tired yestereday but was soo happy seeing Mal's pics n just left my comments here without reading all the ones above me LOL...

    ThanKYU! (like how Liezle says to u..i just found out ..n it suits saying this to Shirley sweetie to the max!)

    mel :)

  12. Thanks shirbo ! ^^
