
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Let's all vote for SS501

I've been getting emails and messages from the comments boxes about MAMA. Sorry guys that I'm only responding to you about this. I got really busy and doesn't have much time to put together my thoughts on how do the voting. But thankfully there is this video that will help us and guide us on how to cast our vote to our favorite group idol. Thanks to hoonfami for posting this on their YT and to for doing this instruction video.

Let's put them to the top!


  1. shirbo11:36 AM

    hey...i'll write u an email in couple mins regarding this post!! AHHH

  2. i did try to vote 4 them...
    bt i hv a question,,
    y the warning sentece(written as:mnet music award *square3x) appeared after i click ss501 and MAMA button..
    n i sign in already...
    evrybody noe or hving same thing~~

  3. spring2:45 PM

    hehe.... seem like shirley still not sleep i check liezle blog then saw her here too..hee.. take care and rest more dear... you r the best!!! :-)
    for the vote, i have to try again.. last time i tired and not successful yet...
    things for voting more and more difficult now.. need to register in mnet then vote.. sometime don't know why error too.. for SS501, TS hwaiting... to get our boys no 1...:)

  4. Anonymous3:24 PM

    im also unable to vote after signing up. ):

  5. SSsufi4:54 PM

    hey guys! im really proud to say that our boys are leading a good second spot for the overseas viewer award. but im not trying to be bad or anything. heck, i love ss501 with all my life till the day i die. but super junior with 35000 votes VS ss501 with 9000 votes. it really looks like a clear winner to me. :( nonetheless, i really hope tripleS around the world will do their best and keep the guys at least at 2nd spot if not the first one. but i just wanna say to all those who voted for ss501. keep up the good job for voting. it doesnt matter if they win or not. im sure the guys are appreciative of our vote. anyways, they're forever number one in our hearts. <3 ^_^ *runs back to vote for SS501 at MAMA website*

  6. Anonymous4:55 PM

    im sure all of you can vote for the Overseas Award because that is the award that doesnt require you to pay.

    For the other awards, like best singer, best male group, need you to become a full member by paying for a coupon.

    just in case you were wondering how about the coupon code that was floating around, that has already expired. so nope. if it is impossible for you to fork out money, try voting for ss501 for the overseas award!

    no money required. just need tyou to register for an account! and you can register 20 accounts with one email.

    so start to work hard! haha

  7. yeah...
    thanks to u gals up there...
    nw i can start vote for them...
    bt ss501 still in 2nd place..
    thats ok,we need to keep them at top list...
    jz like wat Ssufi said they r no 1 in our heart forever n ever,right~~.<3

  8. hey, could you please help me about voting??? I've registed an account but I can't vote.I follow exactly the steps, but when I click to start voting, a warning appear and it go to a site I don't know Korean but I guess that I must pay for it.but some people say that they don't have to pay for anything to vote....I really want to vote for SS501.Do you have any idea to solve my problem??? ah...If you get the solution, please pm me, my email address : . thank you so much!!!

  9. Anonymous9:16 AM

    hi...Liezle, thanks for the tutorial vid you shared from hoonfam...guess what, i was able to get a verification number, but everytime i go to click on SS501 picture for the 3 categories where they're nominated there is this box that pops up but in hangul...HELP...desperaely want to vote (A)

  10. Jennifer11:57 PM

    Hi, i also encountered the same problem as Haley_Manh.

    Can anyone help me, pls? Pls PM me @

    Thanks very much. I really wanted to vote for the boys too. :D

  11. Jennifer12:18 AM

    I can vote already finally. :D

    Let's continue to vote for the boys.

  12. yeah ss501!6:25 AM


    I could vote for them..
    If you need help, let me know..

  13. yeah ss501 !!!7:10 AM

    By the way, I am a foreigner from I could only vote for the overseas award for SS501 !!!

    Is there any chance that I can vote for the three mentioned categories???
