
Friday, October 30, 2009

On YT is SS501 on Music High webcast 10.30.09

I posted earlier the screencaps from Music High HERE wherein SS501 was the guest. The webcast is now available on video and it has posted by Shirely on her shirbogurl YT channel in 5 parts.

Heaps of thanks again Shirley! You're spoiling us so much with so many videos.

In part 4, they're so cute doing the L-O-V-E sign.

I wish to know that they were talking about in the Yes or No portion and why they mentioned Kara and SNSD on part 3.

p.s. young saeng is talkative here while leader seems to be the quiet one.


  1. Summer A.4:26 PM

    haha. YS is always chatty at the mention of SNSD (opps, maybe esp. taeyeon ^^) i think it brightens him up. he's an open fanboy at heart. haha. (ps: his confession during PKL's wonderful outing ^^)

  2. SSsufi12:10 PM

    omg! im dying to know what they're talking about. everyone seems to be so hyper. jungmin and his noisy toy mike. i swear kyu is a kara fan. haha. its been so long i've seen youngsaengie LOL-ing!! like seriously LOL-ing. haha!! i hope there will be subs. but seeing these, with all 5 members, is already a great gift. ^_^ thank!

  3. SSsufi12:26 PM

    i cant help but comment again. cos these videos are too cute and hilarous. youngsaeng checking his fingernails! O_O hahaha!! alot of tom&jerry and kyusaeng moments. it was really funny seeing hyungjun trying to control jungmin's craziness. always disturbing each other. and isit just me or are the guys imitating overseas fans shouting their names, like younsaeng and jungmin. really funny!!! kyu is really really hyper today. so glad the camera zoomed on him so he can teach us how to spell L-O-V-E. like i said, the guys were really high. and OMG. they doodled on the papers. lol. ^_^ ps: leader seemed laidback BUT!! he still had his moments. kekeke ^_^
