
Monday, October 26, 2009

outrageously funny hyun joong

I'm again late in posting this. Hee, I still have so many catching up to do.

Much thanks to iBreatheLifeMusic for doing the subs of this clip. It's the telephone conversation of Hyun Young with Hyun Joong on the tv show 'Gold Ms. Diary' yesterday, Oct 25.

Hyun Joong is so outrageously funny! Watch and listen as you would know why.

He is such so adorable.


  1. Karren11:44 PM

    Hi Liezle! You're so lucky, you've seen our REBIRTH Men many times already... HJL really cute & funny here!... i just wished they called him back : )

    Hope SS501 also have a fanmeeting or concert here in the Philippines... that would be sooo Awesome!...

  2. Anonymous1:54 AM

    ahh!! why did she accidentally cut off the phonecall!!! wanted to hear more of leader.... "drive slowly pls" *hahah*

  3. hah~~
    all noona look kinda super xcited to call HJL ,even they r gettting married....huh~~
    he really funny in every single words he said....
    was the phone just end like that??
    ohh~~i want some more~

  4. Anonymous11:08 AM

    otoke after hearing his voice on the phone I realized how much I miss him...

  5. Anonymous8:23 PM

    so funny and adorable!!!
    whenever some words come out of his mouth, it's irresitably funny and cute, oh, wished the phone talk be looong......miss him so much!

  6. Wakakakaka, Leader's being soooo HIM again ;D *misss him!!* THanks for posting this and thanks ibreathelifemusic for da subbbs!
