
Saturday, October 31, 2009

SETI Episdoe 8 screencaps

I just finished watching SETI ep 8 after I got curious from the email of Shirley. Now I understand why she can't sub it. ^_^

Kyu Jong
is so romantic and sweet! He fits the role of a lover. He never fails to get me giddy even by not understand what's being said. I wonder if Kyu Jong is like this to his girlfriend [if he has at the moment].

Please DO NOT Hotlink!

Here are screencaps from SETI 8 from PEACE as shared by 휘시아 on

p.s. tomorrow is the stamping session of SS501. another something to look forward to. geez, i really wish that i stayed longer in seoul.


  1. shirbo4:23 PM

    u mean if u wonder if kyu is like that to me?!?! haha jk jk omg...i'm turning into a mel!!

  2. want a boyfriend like that :). Yes, he good for an act as a lover and rebel - seem suitable to him, with his jaw hmmmm, I stop here or else I rant nonstop. :)

  3. i think someone is going crazy over kyu jong. ^_^.

    shirley, is mel like that? uh um... crazy like you over jung min? hee, did i just asked a silly question? ^_^


  4. dora, me too! he's such a sweetie.

    thanks for dropping by.


  5. shirbo6:36 PM

    omg mel is SOOO MUCH WORSE!!! i'm so calm like jen & mel is.....totally opposite!! haha oo i hope mel wont read this...u should have jen name a few of the things mel do!!

  6. oh really?! hehehe, i know that she's naughty bec we both noticed the same thing in one vid. *me blushing* crazy? alright i believe.

    hey there mel! ^_____^


  7. shirbo11:52 AM

    okie i commented on this yestrday somehow it didnt get posted..yeah mel is way worse and she mentioned that video several times in taiwan. i'm glad shes not reading this =) if she is...divert her attention w the pheromin pics!! haha

  8. mel_12234:18 PM

    Caught you here, Shirley!!
    I nvr noticed this post if it's not for Liezle calling out to me on the music high subs post!

    Gosh, you gals really seems to have fun talking bout me, I am not that 'worse'...haha am I really that bad? I was CALM in Taipei :P :P

    And I only mentioned the vid ONCE to u! wuahaha, Shirley, dun be so did crazy stuffs for KYU too! now ppl are gona think I am terribly fanatic crazy fan of JM :P...

    though it is true I had my eyes only for him...that much is true ^_^

  9. mel_12234:30 PM

    Btw..Seti ep 8 is really really so nice, and Kyu is a very very good actor there..he can really make a girl swooon over him..he is really soo soo sweet, and Shirley is all sweetly dizzy too over this ^^.. hehehe

  10. shirbo5:18 PM

    o man...liezle...u shouldnt tell mel!! and mel that was more than once =) and u r ALWAYS jm focus w ur eyes. i tried diverting ur attention with the pheromin pics up there =)

    i'm not sweetly dizzy over seti 8 cuz its not to ME!! aish if its this episode and the dream u gave me mel...that would be perfect ;)

  11. mel_12236:28 PM

    Was it really more than once?? I guess I was attempting to tell u or rather to convince u that I am not really that naughty :P :P :P

    And ya, I did meant it with the epi combined with the dream I wish to come TRUE for you ^^

    Haha I cant help it if my eyes keep on diverting to JM all the time, but i really love all members together too! SS501 hwaiting ^^ :P
