
Saturday, October 31, 2009

SETI Episode 8 [subbed]

Finally, episode 8 of of SETI subbed. Now, I'm able to understand what those sweet words of Kyu Jong means. Those words surely will make a lady swoon.

Much much thanks to Shirley for subbing this and putting this up on her shirbogurl21 YT channel.

Click on the label SETI found on the upper left side of this post to watch the other episodes.

P.S. Btw guys, I read all your comments. Thank you for always leaving your footprints whenever you visit my blog. I think that I can reply [and start to blog about my recently trip to seoul in my other blog and fix photos] to some later now that few of the things that kept me busy are done and over with.

P.P.S corrected now. ^_^ i think i'm the one who is sleepy and tired not Shirley.


  1. shirbo7:09 PM

    ok i will go sleep now for once!! i think my body is used to not sleeping...not so good. yeah i get to sleep 3-4 hrs today!! nite nite~~ and i will think of this video combine with the dream mel gave me and go sleep w it =)

  2. spring7:09 PM

    Thanks so much so much again to shirley... lets watch our sweet kyu drama SETI again...:D

  3. spring7:12 PM

    OMG.... shirley.. i have been saying good night and sweet dream to u in previous post... now still can see u here...hehe..... go go dear... quickly go... yr kyu is waiting u in dream for so long already...hahaha..... Thanks so much again dear yr hard work for all TS... we all enjoyed... Have a good sleep and nice weekends ahead.:-)

  4. Anonymous10:16 AM

    errr..excuse me Liezle ..i'm just reading between the Kyu "seeing" a friend of yours?...just curious......

  5. shirbo11:51 AM

    Liezle...r u giving the clue away?? "Those words SURELY will make a lady swoon." haha
