
Friday, November 27, 2009

[fancams] 11.26.09 MuBank Recording

Followng fancams were posted first on SS601 from MuBank rehearsal/recording that happened yesterday. Finally they've been uploaded by Shirley on her shirbogurl2 channel. ThanKYU as always.

SS501 is wearing a new attire again.

from kimhyungjuncom YT channel

Got news that SS501 didn't win for the 3rd time in MuBank. Kinda sad since it's their last MuBank for 'Love Like This' and according to DSP, SS501 will not promote any songs from REBIRTH anymore It seems that their activities for the album is practically finished.

Waah, what about 'Wasteland' and 'Obsess'?

Anyway, we'll deal with that later. I wasn't able to watch Happy Together but I heard that it was so funny. The Hong Kong escapade of Hyun Joong was mentioned again but this time told them about shopping. ^_^


  1. finkle1:02 AM

    Hi Liezle, thanks for the news. I was hoping they could win a 2nd time but then I knew 2pm was really strong.. i shall just be contented that they actually won twice in a row =D

    Does that mean they won't be recording anymore new programs or radio shows or promo activities once all the current ones that have been announced are out??? Omo I can just imagine getting huge withdrawal symptons once their promo period ends! we have been sooo spoilt with news, pics, updates, videos, shows of them every single day! :(

  2. finkle1:03 AM

    Sorry I meant 3rd time!

    *and sorry about the long post..

  3. trippi1:10 AM

    really? no more promotions? aww.
    i was looking forward to wasteland too! and hopefully an MV of Only One Day or Green Peas!
    aww. DSP! we want more of our men!

  4. Karren1681:16 AM

    I'm really liking this new set of outfits on our SS501 Men... looks really cool & manly... still hoping they win again :D

  5. hi finkle. well probably they'll just finish all their commitments on tv then only a little tv guestings.

    as you know they've so many on their plate at the moment. aside from the concerts, the fan meeting in japan, the countdown concert in china and the preparation for the full album.

    besides, i think we'll be seeing them soon if i'm not mistaken in their solo projects especially maknae and kyu jong. hee, but i know your concern is leader. :)


  6. finkle2:30 AM

    haha is my bias THAT obvious?!? I love all of them just that oh well Leader will always be my most fav! :) But I really prefer seeing them together rather than doing solo projects.. wish they would have a variety show like TUFRMU again (sigh i know is impossible).. but let's hope good news of a 2nd album would come up soon so that can see them as 5! :)

  7. Anonymous4:21 AM

    i want to see moore of jung min!!!

  8. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I concur with above! Although I am a bit saddened that our boys will stop promotions for their album the bright side of things is that our boys will come back and greet us again with their 2nd album in good health.

  9. Anonymous7:03 AM

    though i feel sad that they did not win - SS501/TripleS-Green peas need to give others a chance (without meaning to sound sour-graping). Competition is good. It makes one strive harder.... and the boys promised they will give us better performances with our support...

    thanKYU liezle for the fancams and the updates (A)

  10. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I'll miss them all esp our leader....but I'm satisfied with the success of rebirth. Our support will continue wherever they are. Thank you Liezle for the fast updates!
