
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

check out these links

I actually got these links emailed to me earlier by Panda Brenda, I forwarded the same to Shirley but she wasn't able to upload them on YT today. She's kinda upset because KBS traced her channel. Anyway, Shirley cheer up ^_^ don't lose to KBS. As what the Koreans would say 'Fighting!'

As I said above, Brenda sent me links this morning. I'm sharing them with you now just in case you're interested. These are links that show how chaotic the situation was at the airport when SS501 left Shanghai last Sunday. Below are also some fan accounts [summarized already] on the issue whether they got hurt or no.

1) Jung Min didn't fall down, he wanted to help 2 fans who were fell. When he trying to bend over, his bodyguards grabbed him and move on... so from the certain angle, other fans thought he fell.
2) Maknae was grabbed by the same woman who grabbed Jung Min... and Kyu Jong was grabbed too by another 2 fans from the can see from these 2 links (gotta really forcus very carefully)

3) Hyun Joong didn't sprained his leg, but he got a shock when he got off the van as his manager was pushed and you know chain's the links (from front and back angle)

4) From 1 fan account who was in the custom areas with the boys, saw the boys were showing each others their injuries (only kyu and ys are saved) [liezle : as you noticed these 2 were having heavy jackets and were all cover up]

Brenda, thanks again for the above.


And this one I got from finkle just when I arrived home. It's another fancam. It's a video of SS501 leaving their hotel. Check out Young Saeng, his 'i don't care' attitude seems to be in the 'on' mode. He came out of the lift wearing face mask [yeah i think that's a face mask].

In the same vid it's not surprising to see Jung Min waving to the fans, but Leader waving to the fans again? Geez, he's been a changed man lately. ^_^

outside of the hotel... YS still wearing the mask.


  1. YS wearing face mask really leh..
    he is way too cool ~ lol
    thanks for all the clips..

    i saw Leader's OMG look ..gosh.. i must appeal for such fans to spare him yah..

  2. Jacqueline10:17 PM

    Hi there Liezle,

    In one of your earlier posts about Persona Shanghai there was a fan account about Baby giving Jungmin a carrot soft toy the fans threw on stage. You might wanna check out this fanvid: It's not very clear but you can see baby running to Jungmin with the carrot soft toy at about 0.58secs.

    UBER CUTE! Baby really looks like an exited little boy running towards Jungmin with the soft toy in his hands. Can totally feel the tom and jerry love! :-) It's really amazing how they can be so manly and all sometimes but also show all this affection to each other. Love how they all look like they are having so much fun since the comeback. They're always laughing when you see them on shows etc..

  3. Jacquline, thank you for the link! it makes me so excited to see it. can't wait for my turn to see them on stage in HK.

    oh yeah it's so cute. love love how these men show their love to one another. rare seen actually. i think their bonding is really something. and maknae like i said in one of my posts today, i think he's the sweetest of all the members. i think he's not afraid to show to the world how affectionate he is to his members.

    thanks again!


  4. Karren16810:41 PM

    Oh my... i just watched these links... hope no one got hurt... the MEN really need more protection... I know it's hard, but let's restrain ourselves for the safety of everyone esp our MEN...

    Oh Liezle so wish i can also watch Persona in HK... i'm sure it's goin to be awesome...

    love your blog :)

  5. spring10:45 PM

    Liezle... thanks for all the update again... lucky not so serious injuries...
    our boys so cute still teasing with showing their injurie..:P

  6. finkle10:54 PM

    Hi Liezle, thanks for all the crazy scenes at the airport!! They should have just put the barricade that's such an easy but effective solution.

    And Shirley, if you are reading this don't be sad k :)

  7. aNiSaH10:57 PM

    Liezle ...
    thanks for the video link
    Glad everyone is OK

    I know what feeling when u got traced on YT
    I already received 2 warning from MBC
    I quite upset too
    To Shirley: Fighting !!

  8. thanks for all the vids, just wanted to ask what was the background song of (the first one) was it a song of ss501?

  9. thanks for these...

    i like your statement on YoungSaeng, I don't care ON mode..ahahahah.

    Yeah that's why he is save from all the crazy fans...his too cool to be touched!


  10. hey liezle...much thanks to you, shirley and all those TS's hardwork who had been providing us with our daily dose of SS501 - pics, vids, translation etc etc! Been an overdose lately....but hey who's complaining!

    Hmmm...seems that our Prince is shredding off his princely image and displaying a 'bad boy' image recently!! lol!

    Next stop HK...yeah!!! Can't wait!

  11. mel_122311:40 PM

    Thanks for all the links, Liezle.

    Gosh, JM really need to be a little 'less' friendly...haha though I do know that is just his charms, but he need to get some 'I dont care' mode on too if there are so many fans there and the crowd just seemed crazy.

    But then again, if he did that, he wouldnt be Mal, would he? and those charms are exactly what makes him who he is and why I like him so much! Just dont get hurt yourself too, Mal!

    Liezle... how did I missed the last 2 videos... hahah..
    YS looks like he's going act in the sequel of Silence of the Lamb... buhahah.. or Friday 13th..

  13. shirbo3:07 AM

    Thanks finkle and anisah!

  14. That's what I love the most about JM. Very charming and always pay back attention to the fans. What a gentleman he was try to get fans who were fell.
    Goodthing that Leader have changed to pay more attention back to fans. I felt (he didn't show he care with fixed face inpression) sad when I saw him at LAX. That's whay JM took first place in SSboys.
    Thanks for sharing liezle!
