
Saturday, November 21, 2009

[Trans] it's maknae's message this time from dsp webby

Jasmine to the rescue!

Thanks so much again Jasmine for the translation you sent in my email.

[Trans] Maknae's Message in DSP's Webby
Korean to English translation by Jamine / liezle's blog

Green Pea Princess Banzai
(2009-11-21 오전 12:42:58)

All thanks to you that we can get this award.
Really treasure all of you very very very much, in return we will work extra hard.
The moment I heard this name SS501, my mind was flashing back the time in the past, and we finally succeeded - because of this I can't help it but show a happy smile ^ ^.
All this is because there are SS501 Hyun Joong, Young Saeng, Kyu Jong, Jung Min, Hyung Joon ... these 5 people and the TripleS, who are behind us, watch over us, supporting us by giving us the strength to stand up again when we fell, because we have your love by our sides.
Really very happy, and even more confident.
Thank you, will never forget today. Thankful to all of you, really cherish all of you.
SS501 Banzai ~ Banzai ~ Banzai ~ Green Peas ~ Banzai Banzai Banzai ~~~~^^ Good night.
Dedicated this glory to all of you who have worked hard for us. Thank U!


Korean message that I lifted from

형준 : 완두콩 만세 (2009-11-21 오전 12:42:58)

우리가 멋진상을 받을수 있었던 이유도 모두 당신들 덕분이에요
너무나 아끼고 아끼고 더 열심히 노력해서 보답할께요.
SS501이 호명되는 순간, 지난 시간들이 머릿속을 스쳐가면서
드디어 해냈다는 생각에 저절로 행복에 겨운 웃음이 지어지더라구요 ^^
이 모든게 SS501 현중 영생 규종 정민 형준 .. 이다섯명과
그뒤에서, 그리고 옆에서 묵묵히 지켜주고 , 쓰러져도 다시 일어날수있게
든든하게 힘을 복돋아주는 트리플S , 우리를 사랑해주는 당신들이 있어서에요.
너무나 행복하고 더 자신감이 생겨요.
고마워요, 오늘도 잊지못할거에요, 감사합니다, 그리고 너무나 아껴요 .
SS501 만세~ 만세~ 만세~ 트리플S 만세 만세~ 만만세~~~~~^-^ 굿나잇.
고생해준 많은 여러분들께 이영광을 바칩니다. Thank U!


  1. Hi,the Chinese translation is out

    just for ur info

    翻译:卡君 转载请注明出处

    亨俊:豌豆公主万岁(2009-11-21 上午12:42:58)







    SS501万岁~万岁~万岁~豌豆万岁 万岁~万万岁~~~~^^晚安。

    把这荣光献给为我们辛苦的各位。Thank U!

  2. thanks ivy! i'm sure this will be very helpful to anyone willing to do the translation and share here.

