
Monday, November 30, 2009

Kyu Jong made everyone tear up

Alright, the episode of 'Strong Heart' is a must to all Kyu Jong fans. So don't forget to watch it over at SBS tomorrow at 11:05PM.

Thanks to xiaochu for sharing the translation of the news related to Kyu Jong and Young Saeng's guesting at 'Strong Heart' at Quainte501.


11/30 [news] SS501 Kim KyuJong 'Strong Heart' First-ever Touching Confession "Father is ex-National Archery Team Player"

Credits : newsen + + (English Translation) xiaochu @


SS501 Kim KyuJong confessed for the very first time on an incident that made his father felt heart broken.

Kim KyuJong talked about his father during the filming of SBS ‘Strong Heart’ recently, making the other guests almost moved to tears.

Kim KyuJong said “My father was a full-time National Archery Team player and was also an Archery coach” And he talked about how he quit archery later on.

Kim KyuJong said after his father stopped playing archery, there had been an unexpected incident that came upon his father and family, his father watched by his side and held back his tears alone. This story made the guests present at the filming to swell with tears.

Episode will be broadcast on 01-Dec at 11.05pm.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:17 PM

    I am excited to see this. I know that Kyu Jong is very close with his family. Thank you xiaochu for the transaltion.
