
Friday, November 20, 2009

KYU'S Jung Min's photos

KYU'S [] is a fantastic fanclub. They not only focused on Kyu Jong [though we all know that their priority is Kyu] during the Persona in Shanghai, but as well as the other members of SS501.

Anther thing that's amazing about this fanclub is that I think they are sharing almost every beautiful photos that they have. Really a great way of promoting Kyu Jong as well to other fans and countries since we all know that every photos posted are seen everywhere.

If there are any member of KYU's here, thanks! And please extend our thanks to the shutterbugs who took all the wonderful photos of SS501, sacrificing some of their time seeing them in their very own eyes.

From KYU'S here are photos of Jung Minnie who looks very cute with that HUGE carrot on his head.

again, i'm sure where my eyes are
when i saw this photo.


P.S. I wonder what happened to 'Strong Heart' recording today.


  1. ffaaiitthh1:05 AM


    do you know if "Happy Together" HJL+KJ episode aired already?

  2. hello ffaaiitthh!

    that was supposed to be 19th Thursday at 11:15pm over at KBS. That would have been 3 hours ago in Korea. Hmm... but I haven't seen any news or screencaps from any of the sites i've visited.


  3. alright, just learned that they weren't on last night's episode of Happy Together.


  4. ffaaiitthh1:48 AM

    ohh no wonder i didn't see any updates about it.
    i've been dying to see HJL+KJ's dorkiness in happy together again.

    thanks liezle.

  5. finkle7:55 AM

    Hi Liezle, did they record Strong Heart ytd?

  6. quizzy8:44 AM

    hi liezle,

    thanks so much for posting this wonderful pictures of jungmin... it makes my day!! :) and also for the KYU's shutterbugs... you did a very good job capturing this pictures!! thanks... :)

    ahh, one way of coping up with my stress is to visit your blog and see the 5 men of our lives!!!

    thanks much liezle... :)

  7. hi finkle! yes they had a recordig yesterday at 3:30pm as I was told by a friend.


  8. mel_12239:44 AM

    Thanks to KYU's and thanks Liezle for the above pics! Nice way to start a great Friday for me!

    Though it kinda made me miss him even more..^^ :P
